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Wonderful, many thanks
Thanks for checking on the basics. I do have and use compressed air but I literally had no idea that my TV had a gaming mode, which I’ve just discovered it does
The RAM I bought was recommended by a friend but perhaps they didn’t know they had to match idk.
I appreciate the order of priorities, that helps a lot
I had no idea this was a thing, I have found Game Mode on my TV, hahah
Will see what this changes
Thanks for this. I’m not 100% against learning how to build my own, it’s more that the more I read the more confused I get about what order to prioritise upgrades and the various knock on effects everything has. I appreciate you coming up with an order to go about things
Appreciate this, thanks
Thanks for this
Ah I understand, thanks
So is the motherboard the best thing to use as The Thing I Keep and level up everything else to meet its ability?
I’ll Google “what does a home server do” and get back to you, ha
Very kind of you I use it for everything (I’ve edited the post to give more info) so I’m not against spending a few grand (UK£) if now is the right time to do so. If it’s not the right time then I’m trying to work out what I can replace that will be compatible and easy for a noob to install I guess
Sorry, I’m being a noob, but what does “upgrade everything to max spec” mean? Does that mean to replace everything, in which case are you suggesting it’s time for a whole new rig?
I’m currently using my TV as monitor because I use the pc for everything, I don’t watch regular TV and anything I do watch I stream. Is using a TV as a monitor a bad thing?
Yeah I guess I’m trying to work out if now is the right time, or to hang on a while
Sorry, yeah I’m new at this. I’ll edit to add info
It’s hooked up to my TV because I use it for everything from simple browsing, YouTube, streaming TV/movies, to gaming. For games the most taxing is something like BG3, but I can’t think of anything else in terms of taxing programmes.
I don’t think I’d have a user for it if I kept it. Even if I kept the hard drive I’d have to research How and What To Save To Which Drive On Your PC, ha
I’m not against investing a few grand if it’s the right money spent at the right time, if that makes sense? My worry about changing individual parts is the standard worries about installation and compatibility, but if it’s too soon to be chasing the whole rig then I can get over that
Interesting, what kind of temps are a bad sign?
So just updating to a SSD might be sufficient? I was worried it was too late to be changing individual parts as the remaining parts wouldn’t be able to support them, but maybe not?
[checks OPs recent post/comment history]
Maybe I’m a dumb dumb but why are all your posts being downvoted? It’s not an incorrect sub issue, so is it a tone issue e.g saying “don’t downvote” is an invitation to?
Did you anger the village witch or somesuch?
Wow I kinda assumed they’d done so, but looking at the screenshot you’re right
This worked for me:
Start your own subreddit so you’re a mod,
mark it nsfw,
don’t need to post anything
and you should be able to access any nsfw in your feed when off-app.
Yeah but it lets people feel like they’ve boycotted. Which isn’t coddling/faux activism so much as it is starter-activism. We don’t want activism to seem hard… even though we know that effective activism pretty much requires meaningful changes to behaviour which often brings discomfort. People are really out of practice and our goal is getting people into the habit