That’s solid advice. I think I have my identity wrapped up too much in my career, so when I dislike my job, I feel unsatisfied in life. I will try to see it as means to an end more than who I am.
I tried using VScode to play around with Golang. I had to quit coding to take care of something else. I hit save, and suddenly I have way fewer lines of code. WTF? Why did/would saving delete code? After much digging, it turns out because the all knowing VSCode thought because I had not yet referenced my variables, I never would, and since my code I wanted to save and continue later wouldn’t compile, it must be quelled. Off with its head!
Anyway, I decided to use vim instead. When I did :wq, the file was saved exactly as I had typed it.
I definitely have moments like this too. I have been reflecting more lately and trying to decide if the feeling is temporary or permanent. I have been pondering what else I would do. Are you considering a career change, and if so, what would you do instead? I don’t know if I could transition to something else without going back to school, and it would kill me a bit inside to take out more student loans.
It’s also nice because I can charge my entire family’s phones all at once. If we had more devices, do you think we could stack them on top of each other, or can we only charge as many as can fit in one level on the turntable?
I am surprised no one told them that the economy is doing well. I know that sure put my mind to rest when we had to tighten the belt.
cough android
Duolingo has dropped hugely in quality (for Korean anyway) just in the last couple months. The AI-generated voices mispronounce so much stuff. I spend more time reporting unclear audio or outright mispronunciations and grammar issues than I do learning. They seem to want their users to be their QA team, but then don’t even fix the reported issues. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/duolingo-lays-off-workers-as-it-leans-on-ai-tools-to-carry-out-more-tasks/ar-AA1mKgja
Everything I read was well worded and well reasoned. However, it seems like either my ADD got the better of me, or that was the article that has no end. I didn’t really realize before that my attention has a word count, but I now know that it is less than this article.
Noy OP, but I canceled all of Prime. I haven’t used anything but video and shipping from it for months already. Almost everything I want to see on Prime Video requires renting/buying or getting a subscription to some other service through Amazon.
We didn’t buy enough stuff on Amazon last year to justify the cost via shipping either, even considering Christmas gift purchases.
I had this exact thought. It may actually be “The year of the Linux Desktop.”
I kind of feel the same when someone says they “beat cancer’s ass”. Doctors and medical technology kicked cancer’s ass.
I laughed out loud. That was my thought too. This guy is going to murder his wife, and his premeditation is out on the internet.
“Don’t mind me. Just making some notes for myself about my wife, in a sort of private diary… on a public forum that federates with other public forums. Multiple posts per hour. Ho-hum dee dee dum, oh, wow? Other people are reading this? So shocked.”
Edit: meant this as a post reply, not a reply to your comment. Oh well.