And all of your data that they’ve collected over the years.
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
And all of your data that they’ve collected over the years.
Yup. It’s why the scams by phone are so irritating to most of us, as another example. It’s just obvious and a time waster, but by making the scam easily visible to people who have the characteristics to not be vulnerable to them, it weeds out all the false positives the scammers would then have to deal with. They don’t want you, mr. bright eyed and bushy tailed, who is ready to catch them out only after hours of trying to get you to give them the code to your gift cards. That’s a lot of wasted time. They just want granny who will follow every direction.
Morally? No. From the perspective of nothing on the internet is ever deleted? Yes. People who get duped into sending nudes will often find (I mean, IF they ever find, realistically, seeing how big the internet it) their picture being used by someone else for another duping operation.
It’s like the misspellings in the phishing emails: it ensures only people who will fall for the trick will respond. If some model messaged you out of the blue, you’re more likely to be suspicious or you feel that you’re super attractive and a model might actually reach out to you. Either way you’re more likely to not bite on the bait.
Lol, I got mine yesterday. I’d always felt sooooo left out.
Maybe… Prions are a different beast altogether in terms of illness. Even the most terrifying forms take years to debilitate and kill you. I don’t think most countries want to wait that long to cripple an opponent, and definitely won’t want to unleash anything on a neighbor that will certainly come back at them. Right now the only thing that truly gets prions to be gone is incineration levels of heat.
So I don’t think biological warfare is going to be on the table. Maybe terrorist type attacks, where the asymmetrical nature of the opponents makes the user unconcerned about potential effects on themself.
Hey, asshole, quit talking about me like I’m not here!
For those who aren’t aware, the last time I checked (hoo boy, this is getting close to two decades ago now… fuck me) approximately 1 in 18 college students graduate with a degree in psychology. That’s freaking 6% of the college graduates! Kind of understandable when the bachelor version of psychology is essentially the degree of human interest. ‘Come find out how and why humans are funny/stupid/doing X/interesting’ is a powerful lure when you’re surveying a bunch of different classes and don’t have a degree/career in mind yet.
Meanwhile, it’s harder to get into psychology doctorate programs than medical school. When I was looking into it, I think it was somewhere in the ballpark of ~5-10% of applicants to doctoral programs would get accepted. It looks like recently it’s sitting at 12%. Meanwhile, medical schools are around 44.5% right now.
Now, yes, I could show the higher acceptance rates to masters programs for psychology listed in that APA link, but that gets messier and needs more nuance than the bare bones I wanted to throw up there.
The majority of assholes in these areas are still vaccinated, unfortunately. It’s the kids that will be suffering, from the decisions of their parents. If disease would eradicate the unvaccinated quickly enough to wipe out the texas undesirables, we wouldn’t have had the current election outcome in the first place.
I mean, I think he said it’s a pink wolf furry, so you’re probably good if he’s the one penetrating. If it was a pink furry wolf, on the other hand…
Not the same person with the program. Just another person making an excuse.
hollowed out wooden dildos
I don’t think the Cage likes being referred to so blandly…
Heh, the amerikkkan answer is simple: don’t let them rent next to you. They’ve accomplished it by ridiculous rent prices, charging inmates to be in jail (so they come out with debt), and shackling them to low paying jobs.
sometimes nvidia drivers are in a state that breaks display reinit on wake from sleep
Hmm, got a question for you about that. What did that appear as for you? Just a black screen and nothing else if it went to sleep?
I had a recently installed app fuck something in my settings so my display is going to sleep after 10 minutes, and when I wake it up I get a normal appearing lock screen with a login. If I login, the screen goes black and all I can see is the mouse cursor. I think about 1 time in 10 it will have no issues and I get back to whatever I’m doing.
I didn’t start with manjaro, but it was the only one that seemed to play nice with my system and programs out of the five or so I tried. I’ve never had an issue with it after 2 years, so… eh?
It’s all about who you can say it to. As much as elmo is probably trying to change it, right now the dystopian future of shadowrun hasn’t appeared, and the various governments are still the big dogs in the pound. See brazil for a recent example. Even apple, famously trying to thwart regulations, has eventually caved to the EU on the charger issue, as another example.
Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
Hmm, just spitballing here, but what could you point to on an elephant that’s unique (and/or in the public thoughts of elephants)? Memory, size, trunks, large ears, grey skin, tusks, fear of mice, (name of them?) pachyderm?
For memory - Because they’re the only animal that can remember how to score a strike?
Trunks - Because their trunks have room to spare?
Size - Because even the lions aren’t willing to tell them they crossed the line.
Mice thing - Because they always beat the mice’s half ounce balls.
Or maybe it’s something to do with bowling? Turkeys, lanes, (heavy/big balls), spares, lines, shoes…
Shoes - Because they can finally borrow shoes that fit?
Turkeys - Even elephants love getting turkeys?
Spares - I dunno
I remember when Amazon first started there were good deals on good quality items
I remember when the primary use of amazon was buying secondhand items. The deals on used discs for PS2 or gamecube were amazing. It was ebay without bidding.
Le sigh Maybe you should look before you tell other people to “go outside.”
Did I Mumble?