You might look into displaying images in the terminal as well; many modern terminals support showing actual images natively
I’m a Christian and software engineer; I create random graphics projects and websites. Feel free to ask me for help with programming, or about my faith!
You might look into displaying images in the terminal as well; many modern terminals support showing actual images natively
They said bcachefs; I don’t think BTRFS has it, at least not since I last checked.
Actually looking forward to the btrfs swapfile hibernation; I have tried setting it up on my machine before but the documentation was never clear on whether it would work (or why mine wasn’t).
Check out Ollama and its extensions for VSCode; might save you some money paying for other services if your computer can run models locally.
Have you had any luck with hibernation with a BTRFS swapfile? My computer still does not start from hibernation, and I am not sure why, even though I followed the Arch wiki to set it up.
My computer was taking too long to start up, which I interpreted as failing to boot, but in hindsight was probably just my hard drive being slow. So, I booted into recovery mode, and ran an update. At one point, apt said “there are unnecessary packages” and would I like to remove them? I figured that apt knew better than I did (after all, maybe a package dropped a dependency), so I said yes.
It was after I noticed the very large number of packages that I suspected I messed up. Turns out, apt uninstalled the entire desktop environment, and network manager, so I had to boot into a USB drive with Network Manager installed, chroot into my main drive, and reinstall plasma. As a bonus, I think I missed the main group for the plasma desktop and only installed only most of it, so some of my extensions just didn’t work anymore.
I haven’t taken it myself, but “The Last Algorithms Course You’ll Need” is free and is written by The Primeagen. He works at Netflix and runs a programming-focused YouTube channel, and as far as I can tell is very knowledgeable and level-headed.
Regarding exit nodes, I have heard that Veilid does not distinguish normal nodes from exit nodes, meaning any node can be an exit node. However, I did not see this in their presentation, and the system seems to be more focused on peer-to-peer communication within the network than private accessing of outside web sources.
Regarding exit nodes, I have heard that Veilid does not distinguish normal nodes from exit nodes, meaning any node can be an exit node. However, I did not see this in their presentation, and the system seems to be more focused on peer-to-peer communication within the network than private accessing of outside web sources.
I think Lokinet and Veilid are two different solutions to the same problem. Lokinet is intentionally based on the block chain to prevent attacks, while Veilid is intentionally non-blockchain based. Additionally, Lokinet seems to be more similar to Tor in its makeup and purpose, but I can’t find any information on how the encryption functions to compare to Veilid’s.
When I first tried Helix, my main concern (that prevented me from getting too far into it) was not going from Vim to Helix, but the other way around. Vim (or sometimes vi) is a standard editor on almost any Linux machine, so if I am ever working on a server if a VM, I would need to know/use Vim keybinds. That made Vim a more useful tool for me to learn at the time, as I could use the skills both on my machine and anywhere else.
For anyone who is confused: This is exploiting an old soundness bug in the Rust compiler that is still present. The GitHub issue page has this comment from maintainers: