Mass starvation once again, the Genocide isn’t over
Say no to authoritarianism, say yes to socialism. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Everyone deserves Human Rights
Mass starvation once again, the Genocide isn’t over
And if the Democrats had actually tried to win against Trump they would have listened to what the vast majority of their constituents wanted (plus you know, international and domestic law) and implemented an Arms Embargo. They should have started the ceasefire many months earlier instead of continuing to support the genocide unconditionally, fracturing their base when they needed as many votes as possible to win against fascism.
You can still find it on apkpure or something like that for those that want to avoid the app store
The first two show exactly that. The rest show how much support progressive economic policies have that they could have run on. They also should have taken a mass amnesty approach to immigration, which has more support than mass deportations, a fascist policy.
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How Trump and Harris Voters See America’s Role in the World
Majority of Americans support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college
Democrats should run on the popular progressive ideas, but not the unpopular ones
Here Are 7 ‘Left Wing’ Ideas (Almost) All Americans Can Get Behind
Finding common ground: 109 national policy proposals with bipartisan support
Progressive Policies Are Popular Policies
Tim Walz’s Progressive Policies Popular With Republicans in Swing States
It was a major issue that the Democratic Party chose to ignore, in opposition to the vast majority of their voter base and domestic/international law. That cost them votes at a time when they should have been doing everything possible to earn as many votes as possible. If they instead leaned into popular progressive policies, they could have instead fractured the Republican base. The party is 100% responsible for how they ran their campaign, despite all the polling data showing a change would give significant gains in votes, at the time where they should have done everything possible to win against a fascist.
For anyone wondering, yes the BDS Movement is having an impact. If anyone wants to join, the No Thanks App (created by a Palestinian developer) Apple / Android makes it as easy as a quick search or barcode scan
Affirming the role the BDS movement has played in the Israeli economy’s “spiral of collapse,” as 130 leading Israeli economists describe it, in September, the Chairman of the Israeli Export Institute said: “BDS and boycotts have changed Israel’s global trade landscape.” He added, “Economic boycotts and BDS organizations present major challenges, and in some countries, we are forced to operate under the radar.” Israel’s projected annual GDP growth rate for 2024 is 0%, according to leading credit rating agency S&P, and some 60,000 Israeli businesses are projected to have shut down during this year of ongoing genocide.
What a pathetic attempt at journalism
Independent verification should be the bare minimum, not a footnote admitting they have none
Zionism weaponizes Antisemitism, Adi Callai has a great analysis of this
I was looking at Tuta after the whole proton CEO thing, but these look really interesting. Thanks
Unlike Israel, they don’t. A significant amount of civilians have died as a result of all the hospital bombings and raids. “No civilians caught in the crossfire” is complete bullshit when Israel routinely shoots civilians, including children. This is a genocide.
Intentionally utilizing the presence of civilians or other protected persons to render certain areas immune from military attack is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International was not able to establish whether or not the fighters’ presence in the camps was intended to shield themselves from military attacks. However, under international humanitarian law, even if one party uses “human shields”, or is otherwise unlawfully endangering civilians, this does not absolve the opposing party from complying with its obligations to distinguish between military objectives and civilians or civilian objects, to refrain from carrying out indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects.
Additionally, there is extensive independent verification of Israel using Palestinians as Human Shields:
Israel deliberately targets civilian areas. From in general with the Dahiya Doctrine to multiple systems deployed in Gaza to do so:
The Dahiya Doctrine & Israel’s Use of Disproportionate Force
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
Israel also targets Israeli Soldiers and Civilians to prevent them being leveraged as hostages, known as the Hannibal Directive. Which was also used on Oct 7th.
I agree that the rational and correct choice was still Harris. I voted for Harris and told others to vote too.
If you’re talking about the turnout of the general public, my point is that running on being the ‘lesser evil’ and moving to the right in an attempt to get republican votes is not a successful method to motivate tens of millions of Americans to get out and vote, even if the greater evil is Fascism. Americans are overworked and uneducated. It’s the campaigns responsibility to motivate them to vote by offering them policies that will improve their daily livelihood. It’s ultimately on the campaign to earn those votes. The data is clear that progressive policies are popular with everyone, that includes Republicans and independents on top of Democrats. The decision to take those voters for Granted without offering them enough on the policy front, and instead move to the right, was a calculated decision by the campaign that failed.
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“The View” Alternate Universe: Break From Biden in Interviews, Play the Hits in Ads
How Trump and Harris Voters See America’s Role in the World
Majority of Americans support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college
Democrats should run on the popular progressive ideas, but not the unpopular ones
Here Are 7 ‘Left Wing’ Ideas (Almost) All Americans Can Get Behind
Finding common ground: 109 national policy proposals with bipartisan support
Progressive Policies Are Popular Policies
Tim Walz’s Progressive Policies Popular With Republicans in Swing States
If you’re talking specifically about the turnout of Arab/Muslim voters in swing states, I discussed that here. Harris’ decision to take those votes for granted by refusing to break from Biden was again a calculated decision that did not pay off. All the data showed that if she did break from Biden and call for an Arms Embargo, which is very popular, she would have gotten significant gains.
Because I did and they don’t lol. The fact that you can’t point to a specific one is on you.
Go ahead and point to a specific policy, because your articles don’t mention any. Feel free to use any of mine, where it’s actually about policy
Understanding why the Harris campaign’s strategy of moving to the right to try to court Republican voters, instead of moving to the left with popular progressive policies, was a demonstrable failure is not an endorsement of Trump.
A trump term is significantly worse. It’s straight up fascism. Which is why it’s so frustrating how terrible Harris’ Campaign was that she depressed voter turnout by like 14 million people. And for what? Instead of galvanizing support from everyone with a progressive platform, her neoliberal platform only accomplished normalizing right-wing disinformation like on immigration.
I did. None of them are about policy
It’s as if the Democrats ran on a neoliberalism platform instead of one with progressive policies. Very obvious to anyone who looked at even a single source of the ones I cited about public support for progressive policies.
That was a rhetorical question. People want progressive policies that improve their lived experience. That goes for the majority of republican voters too.
Do you understand the difference between labels and policy?
Democrats chose to not run on progressive policies that are popular and address the material conditions that affect everyday Americans. Progressive policies that are also popular with Republican voters and would’ve instead fractured the Republican base, bringing more people to get out and vote Democrat across the board.
I could much more easily call Israel a terrorist state, and by looking at cases of actual acts of terror, it’s clear that Israel does magnitudes more. But while acknowledging acts of terrorism is important, giving the label of terrorist to an entire group is not really useful. It’s mostly use to de-legitimize acts of resistance against colonialism and occupations. Such is the case with Ireland, Vietnam, Algeria, South Africa, and many more.
Both the Occupier and the Occupied can and do use acts of terrorism to further their aims, but the aims are diametrically opposed. The aim of the occupier is to continue the occupation, that requires violence to maintain, and ethnic cleansing. The aim of the occupied is to end the occupation, by any means possible, and gain emancipation. We see that one is a reaction to the other, Israel’s perpetual violence towards native peoples is the underlying cause of these conflicts. Solutions to ending the violence of anti-colonialism can only come from ending the underlying violence of the colonialism.
We see that permanent occupation develops into an Apartheid, as the settlers / occupiers have rights upheld by the State and Military, while the natives / occupied have no rights and subjected to violence from both the Settlers and Military. The State, who holds the monopoly on power, uses terrorism to suppress resistance to the occupation in order to maintain it. The occupied, having no power, uses terrorism as a means to resist the occupation.
Israel has no interest in peace, it has interest in land grabbing, which is in complete opposition to peace. This is fundamental to Zionism. Which is why an end to Zionism and a regime change, where a Secular Bi-National One-State that gives equal rights to Palestinians and Israelis is the only way for the conflict to really end. Not only with Palestinian resistance, but with all resistance groups that were created by Israeli occupation.