I’m being sarcastic. MTG is a disgusting hypocrite no matter how you look at her.
I’m being sarcastic. MTG is a disgusting hypocrite no matter how you look at her.
He went to Samoa and started demonizing the MMR vaccine to the point where a bunch of the island stopped vaccinating their kids.
Then they had a measles outbreak. 86 kids died from it. RFK Jr refuses to this day to admit any fault.
Thought the bitch was pro life? This seems quite anti-life to me.
Unfortunately, with the FTC rolling back net neutrality protections, I don’t see an antitrust lawsuit happening, or succeeding, anytime soon
Why would anyone want to come over here right now? I don’t even want to be here.
Yeah because drugs aren’t already prohibitively expensive.
The judiciary has entered temporary restraining orders. No one has declared his power grab straight out illegal yet.
And when they do he’ll just ignore it. The courts are dogs with no teeth.
What these techbro assholes don’t get it that cyberpunk is supposed to be a warning. Not a guide.
No. They want to make it small enough to fit in a woman’s uterus because that’s all they give a shit about regulating
Most of them were probably lying. They were voting for Trump because they wanted to make racism and sexism legal again.
No. Instead the “opposition” party is doing everything they can to chastize their own base for flooding their phone lines demanding they do something to stop the madness.
It’s showing up worldwide. Its why Mexico is threatening to sue.
It looks like they’re giving the lawyers time to find legal arguments to file.
Though they could jusr ban Google from their country.
What ads? My adblocker still works.
We have literal Nazis stealing all our private information right this second…but THIS is the bill that gets to the floor?
Fiddling while Rome burns.
Oh noooo!
Blocking hashtags while pretending to be more free speech.
I hope meta goes down in flames
When has trump ever cared about the constution?
You’re talking about the guy who wants to end birthright citizenship.
At this point? Insurance money