Which app are using if you don’t mind me asking?
I recommend Voyager, basically a beat for beat recreation of Apollo for Lemmy.
Which app are using if you don’t mind me asking?
I recommend Voyager, basically a beat for beat recreation of Apollo for Lemmy.
And fly agaric isnt very poisonous, as long as it’s dehydrated
Smart smart, it’s crazy how much you can figure out when you know what to look for
Oh, yeah definitely, haven’t thought of that before haha
Well, IIRC there were stages to trying new things, kinda like:
Test 1: rub plant on forearm, see if it has a reaction. Test 2: eat small piece of plant/thing to see reaction Test 3: eat progressively larger pieces and rinse and repeat
This is probably only in survival situations
Yeah, it’s all about the juxtaposition for his joke
Guys it clearly is an onion article going by the logo
Here you go: https://www.theonion.com/experts-say-2-hours-of-sleep-plenty-if-psychosis-no-big-1850317854