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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Highly recommend having some scripting/interpreted language in your stack – in fact you likely already do (consider how shell scripting makes up a significant part of Dockerfiles)

    It’s an incredibly useful intermediate between freeform-but-non-executable text/docs/wikis and “industrial-grade”-but-inflexible tooling

    In other words, a great fit for capturing this partial/incomplete/tribal knowledge space the post is talking about. I personally even go a bit further and actively advocate for converting “onboarding/operational docs” from wikis into scripts that print out the equivalent text that can be committed and incrementally automated.

  • If you used good objects, you’ll only have to make the change in one place

    IMO that’s generally a retroactive statement because in practice have to be lucky for that to be true. An abstraction along one dimension – even a good one, will limit flexibility in some other dimension.

    Occasionally, everything comes into alignment and an opportunity appears to reliably-ish predict the correct abstraction the future will need.

    Most every other time, you’re better off avoiding the possibility of the really costly bad abstraction by resisting the urge to abstract preemptively.

  • IMO mathematical/logical/abstract thinking is critical for programming well, but IMO that’s different from “math degree” math.

    Software as a means to an end can be used in almost every domain, so proficiency within that applicable domain is often either useful or necessary. That is to say, “math degree” math is likely needed for 3d rendering (certain games), scientific computation (incl machine learning), etc, but maybe not, otherwise. It depends on what software you’re trying to build.

    To be more specific, general programming is definitely and specifically different from trig and calc. However, because math is also broad, “mathy” concepts like type theory, relational algebra, set theory are considered important for programming, even if only informally or indirectly so.