Meanwhile, I turned idle sleep off manually for both the webcam and audio chipset because they would either crash or flip out or pop when in use
I’m here.
Meanwhile, I turned idle sleep off manually for both the webcam and audio chipset because they would either crash or flip out or pop when in use
Still rings true a little, their quality is far better than their competitors though. I’ve had a lot less issues with the functionality of lenovo laptops over the crap acer or asus or dell produce.
It kinda became muddled around the X1 Carbon when they decided that thin chasis = better, and then started cutting features
Perpetuity and lifetime are different time frames.
One lasts forever, one lasts until you die. There is a difference
Lol it’s great, you should try it
That’s kinda why shells like Fish are so nice, it shows autocompletes, shows me not only commands, filenames, but also arguments too commands too. If i vaguely remember what the name of the command is, I don’t really have to open up and documentation or google to find it out, i just try some combos and usually get it. The real weird thing is why distros don’t ship with user friendly shells, but insist on sticking with bash
Oh shit, I use Windstream, this explains a lot about why they were so busy replacing everyones routers down here. I had assumed it was just a defective design since they used all the same units for every network, but it was actually malware, wild
Very high failure rate. even sony 2.5’s have a similar rate of death. For some reason this form factor is just terrible for longevity
Giga if brain
Newer ryzens are better, especially because they get frequent updates to their microcode that fixes a lot of the issues you’re experiencing.
Very nice
Placebo problems created by hyperfocusing on one thing (knife sharpness) leading to bullshit flying around