Signal integrity is a real issue with dimm modules. It’s the same reason you don’t see modular VRAM on GPUs. If the ram needs to behave like VRAM, it needs to run at VRAM speeds.
Signal integrity is a real issue with dimm modules. It’s the same reason you don’t see modular VRAM on GPUs. If the ram needs to behave like VRAM, it needs to run at VRAM speeds.
Why do you think that? I have seen and heard the use of the word “penultimate” as a literary device to praise something very good. It’s not even that big of a stretch. I’m sorry people only ever use words to mean exactly how they are defined in the dictionary when around you. Also, words are meaningless without the people who use them. Why don’t you try correcting people less and instead, when you think someone is using words incorrectly, try to understand in what way they could be correct.
In this case penultimate is used to describe something that is nearly perfect. As if to say, there is little room for improvement.
I’m pretty sure it means, they copy and paste the project file and iterate the version number manually.
Living up to your name… Could only be more accurate if you were TechJesusCultist. Everyone involved here are socially inept, self absorbed, wannabe journalists and not a single party here have a good track record for ethical journalism historically. Anyone here for journalistic integrity is barking up the wrong tree. They should both shut the fuck up and go back to making their money and getting free tech products for the reviews they put out and stop with this YouTube drama bullshit.
Yes, you are trying to be pedantic by pointing out that account boosting is not cheating. But it is cheating so not only are you being pedantic, you are wrong .
It is cheating. I’m not sure what this weird take is. He used means that are against the rules of play to become statistically better than other players and rise in the ranks. Boosting and account sharing are against the rules. it is cheating.
1011000 is binary for 88
Honestly I think it’s a terrible precedent to set. Now the government can just say they don’t like XYZ website and are banning it. That wasn’t really something they did 10 years ago. Unless of course it was illegal activity. But I don’t think this is a net win for the internet. Regardless of what decision has been made, freedoms were removed and citizens’ rights were sidestepped for political means. I think it shouldn’t be the government’s job to protect us from ourselves.
I was totally onboard with banning tiktok on government computers and I was completely on board with the government publicly expressing concerns over the motives of tiktok as a business. That’s where I personally believe this should have stopped. Inform the people of the danger and then let them decide what to do with that information.
The problem with that idea though, is that nation-wide, citizens’ trust in the government is at an all-time low. So even if the government said tiktok is bad and you shouldn’t use it, people already don’t trust the government. Maybe they should work on regaining the trust their people had for them 65 years ago before it tries to get people to behave how they think we should.
And silicon valley
If the shareholders are smart, they’ll buy shares of the solar providers and solar maintenance companies.
Grid attached solar contributes to the overall usage which brings the cost displaced back down. Personal solar is almost always a net positive for the customers, the power company, and the homeowner with the solar. Not to mention the environmental offset that comes with generating your own power.
What about products subsidized by advertisement to reduce the price?
It’s not harder to cancel than to sign up though. It’s a one or 2 clock process to cancel and a whole lot of card details entering to sign up.
I never said it was. It’s also not the developers job to provide you the service on the platform of your choice. It’s the developers job to protect the companies servers and data. It’s the company’s job to provide you the service and it’s your job to decide to use it or not. And it sounds like you don’t like the means of service provision. So don’t use it. Easy enough.
It’s not questionable at all to assume that a user rooting and installing their own OS is a security risk. That’s the entire premise of zero trust. I’m sure Graphene OS is secure and better for user privacy when configured properly. But you can’t trust that an end user will configure it properly. That’s what I am saying and have been saying since the first message. You can’t trust the user to be security minded. Ultimately, the best thing you can do as a developer or a business is support a known quantity of software and hardware configurations and that likely means only supporting OEM installed ROMs.
It’s not for your security. It’s for the company’s security. You’re really dense you know that. This is not about you and it’s not about Google. What I’m saying is, people suck ass. So to protect themselves from people sucking ass, they restrict access to their system to their terms. Completely fair if you ask me.
You can go cry Google bad all you want. I might even agree Google is bad. But this is not a Google thing. It’s an IT security thing. The banks and MFA providers are security first businesses. They will make the decision that protect them first and it makes sense for them to do so. If you owned a bank, there is a high likelihood you would make similar decisions that end users don’t quite understand.
As far as McDonald’s is concerned, who the fuck knows what their developers are doing. That app is trash anyways.
You’re implying that Google is causing these apps to not support custom OSs. But it’s literally not true. These apps are just not supporting custom OSs because their businesses don’t want to support non-standard platforms for security purposes. Tons of banks do not support custom OSs. It has nothing to do with Google and everything to do with not trusting the user which is 100% the correct approach for cyber security.
In systems where memory speed are mismatched, the system runs at the slowest module’s speed. So literally making the soldered, faster memory slower. Why even have soldered memory at that point?