2 years agoCat: To slip poison into their food, duh.
Cat: To slip poison into their food, duh.
Cat: Hey, don’t knock an opportunity for a dinner with a shitstain billionaire. You’ll never have a better chance to kill them.
Digital Rights Management. AKA the stuff that’s supposed to prevent unauthorized copying and suchlike, but in practice just means the pirates have a better experience than legit customers.
Cat: loads rifle and syringe get your shots, or get shot.
Just: Honestly, we figure Twitter will keep staggering along until its servers implode.
Cat: …Wait a moment, we’re using Ad Nauseam. Which stores the ads and fakes clicks on them.
Lucifer: Would that spoof the key check?
Cat: A nuclear lab isn’t even in the right field to make human-animal hybrids.