I think the fact that GOPers get elected even by the people the GOPers are actively screwing shows that under-rock housing is very common.
I think the fact that GOPers get elected even by the people the GOPers are actively screwing shows that under-rock housing is very common.
My rich oral surgeon friend bought a Tesla really early on way before Elon showed us who he really was. My friend has a sticker on his Tesla S that says “I bought this before we knew he was crazy”.
JFC, since at least that demented shit Reagan, corporate welfare for the Uber rich and suppression of workers rights have been American domestic policy. And since the early 20th century it’s been a goal of the GOP. Arguably, corporate welfare and worker suppression have been founding principles of the US.
Fuck Reddit.
So, exactly what must a person avoid doing to keep from exacerbating X’s DDos problem today?
Wonderful! May it stay that way forever.
and to be as amoral as possible.
The State Religion, I guess.
You say this like it’s a bad thing?
Bluesky had better take care that they not act like other cowardly tech media
AI is burning a shit ton of energy and researchers’ time though!
I just got a new MacBook pro. I last bought a laptop at the beginning of 2017, a MacBook pro then too. 8 years per lap top.
He hates queers because he wants queers to fuck him. And that inner conflict upsets him
Dumbass Oligarch complains about having to watch what they say.
I seem to remember that Switzerland has a history of profiting from their relationships with Nazi’s. Thus they might not be a good source of advice as to what to do about Nazi’s.
Yup. It’s TOTAL bullshit. I felt like I was in some place like Pakistan where they keep the booze locked up and you have to tell them how many Units you require and then they go and get it for you. But worse, because they never fucking get it for you at lockup Target.
Honestly, the most humane and least distasteful solution is to dispossess the billionaires of their billions. Not a drop of their blood need to be shed, should this be done.
Kind of what I meant.