It might have been fixed in most modern DE’s right now - I’m not sure about the current state. But it used to be the problem…don’t ask how I know…
It might have been fixed in most modern DE’s right now - I’m not sure about the current state. But it used to be the problem…don’t ask how I know…
Yeah, those three seconds were probably just to the kernel cache - on the contrary - most linux desktops has the unfortunate design decision that they showed the source to kernel cache progress instead of source to dest. I hope you tried to safely eject the drive before removing it and waiting the rest of the hour for that.
Yeah, some sites in the Czech Republic do it too, unfortunately. IANAL, so I don’t know if that’s illegal under GDPR, but I hope it is illegal and their luck runs out.
rust mentioned, lets goo
Honestly, I’m kinda looking forward to the IPO - because it might be the last enshittification straw that breaks the camel’s neck that will finally drown reddit for what it has become.
a few years ago, I played sauerbraten a lot.
watch it you lazy mongrel
At some point, the same could have been said with win -> linux.
I have to be honest - its a foss software, so make use of the fact that its a foss.
why did you feel the need to highlight they were women? It feels like you’re implying women are worse at programming, devaluing their effort.
I would be cautiously optimistic. If they are public, the the top tier entity is the shareholders which usually don’t look further then their dividends and so public company usually focuses on short term growth. Public company doesn’t need to bend backwards towards committee of millions of shareholders and can focus on long term as it wants and deems fit, usually preferring long term investment. Of course it can go the other way too. When they are not responsible to shareholders, theres a possibility that the it gets squeezed end enshitified waaaay faster.
Our hr recently sent us a list of people who were interested in a position we requested. So on behalf of all of us: fuck you with a thorny stick.
I’ve tried that with Fitefox on macos and I cannot replicate. Granted, I do have the downvote restoration addon, which might change the rendering a bit.
Ahh - the joys of monorepo.