Cry about it? 🤷
Cry about it? 🤷
Half Life 3 has been out for years and I’m absolutely sick of this mental retardation. It’s called Alyx and you don’t play as Gordon, get the fuck over it already, it’s been years.
LOL, those downvotes. Cope fuckers. 😂
It’s so painfully good.
Everyone’s hating on this but I can’t wait to get one used in 5-10 years. Looks pretty cool to me personally.
Thank you for opening my eyes to what I have done. I can’t believe I have installed Disney trash to my PC without even thinking about it (haven’t actually played it yet). Time to uninstall.
Ask me how I have several Steam games with over 4k hours logged.
No chance you have IRL friends.
Damn, how did you get three complete troglodytes in one place?
Every time something like this gets posted a bunch of snobby elitist types come out to point and laugh and talk about how obvious it is that the thing wasn’t safe. Well what is? What’s the special secret you’re keeping from everyone else? If you don’t have one to share, STFU with the smarmy attitudes.
It’s going to be TOUGH to mentally replace.
Google is like China these days.
What is?
Okay, but yes it is if you aren’t being extremely technical and pedantic.
Yeah well until there’s another ecosystem that comes even close to being as good, I’m going to continue pirating Adobe. None of the alternatives I’ve tried have been deserving of the overwhelming praise I see, they’re all lacking tons of features that PS has had for years.
I’ve been pirating Photoshop since I was 14 in 2005, and I’ve only been proven time and again that they don’t deserve my money. Easily one of the greediest, greasiest companies out there.
The girl also moves extremely slowly and permanently has her arms out to the side at the elbows. I assume this is the only way they could get the results they wanted to show.
So I don’t know if you guys actually read the article or not but they absolutely DO claim that it works against YOLO which they claim to be the most popular recognition software. I don’t know about how factual any of that is, but they do make the statement.
Probably still vote for Republicans overseas to fuck us even when it doesn’t affect them.
This applies to all companies in America, definitely not just developers.