On Voyager app you can “migrate subreddits” at least
Not sure what else would even be feasible
On Voyager app you can “migrate subreddits” at least
Not sure what else would even be feasible
We’re happy to have you here
The more they do shit like this the more they will
I mean, honestly Reddit is a dead site walking. At this point is not if it will “die” but how fast and I guess more importantly where will its users go. Hopefully here but who knows
I was never really on Twitter (had an account that I never used). Tried mastodon recently to fill in some gaps from lemmy but there’s really no good way that I found, to follow interesting/active/popular people
If anyone knows what I did wrong I’d gladly take the suggestion (tbf I didn’t really bother to search but if you reply to me other people will also read it)
There’s still massive amounts of air pressure changes Those can definitely lift some smaller rocks
I’ve had iPhone for years and I can’t remember the last time I didn’t use chrome with it
Never rooted my phones either. It’s definitely not blocked
Quick 100$?
This one is still quite long
I wished he made his videos closer to the 20min mark
I’ll probably still watch it, but at almost 30mins it might take me some days to start it.
And the reheat button on microwave
I’m still mad that I have a shitty microwave now
That’s exactly why I do it
The s
option is very useful to split the chunks.
I basically always do a git add -p
Very useful command and it works with other git commands as well.
Everytime a colleague asks me for help with git that’s the one rule I suggest them to use.
We’re all gonna die so it’s still a very much true statement
And I agree, much more dramatic
It’s true that countries in Europe are more akin to states in the US but while there are difficulties scaling up there are also benefits. And in the end everything is divided anyway. It’s not just done in one centralized place.
The EU has done some meaningful things, though it’s mostly laws and not so much services. I’d argue that it had a much more difficult job also.
But there’s the private vs non private debate and the small vs big debate
Just look at most developed countries in Europe and you will find government operated services that are much better than what the free market came up with the in the US. Namely health services and transportation for instance. Postal services as well.
I just did a week long trip in the USA and all the National Parks were a joy to visit. I actually thought about and commented that it would be a totally different experience, read worse, if those things were privatized.
Honestly the whole argument that private entities are run better is bullshit. There’s nothing stopping any government from hiring the same managers and you just eliminated a certain % that would be the middle men. And now the main objective isn’t profit at all costs, so it will very easily be a better service for us, the consumers.
Apple makes some really stupid products that they charge ridiculous money for and their usual stuff is more expensive than it needs to be but at least their core products are of very good quality. The same cannot be said of Tesla
In a concurring opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker cited his religious beliefs and quoted the Bible to support the stance.
“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself,” Parker wrote. “Even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.”
They don’t require high internet speed at all. Why do you say that? You have to keep up with the network that creates a couple MBs of data every 10mins. That’s it. You need processing power and as such electricity but none of that requires high speed internet, quite the contrary. You can get away with a mobile data in most places.
I’ve read different stories. Of towns where cheap and renewable electricity can be made but it’s financially not viable especially at the start. So Bitcoin miners were used to sell the excess energy and that made the project possible. In a way something like Bitcoin can create a global price/demand for electricity which can have its advantages like I mentioned or disadvantages like you mentioned.
How do you even migrate history? Would people even want that
Reputation definitely not. Also who even cares about reputation
Subreddits you can migrate in some apps at least