I’m seeing two. Barret for choosing to side with maga, or maga for choosing barret. Either way, I’m enjoying the show!
I’m seeing two. Barret for choosing to side with maga, or maga for choosing barret. Either way, I’m enjoying the show!
A guy in a bank ferrying billions in my neck of the woods told me how ‘most’ software jobs involve cutting and pasting snippets fron the likes of git, sourceforge, etc. His bank is in deep on AI, be it on operations, or investments. On the one hand, I admire his disconnected bliss, but damn, all the money is being moved by the people who don’t understand coding, and being given to the people who don’t know how to code. State of the bubble right now. FML.
I think the article says they will work less than before.
Well. Since Elon’s already got free reign over all our federal data…
Seriously, how are the legislators so blind to what is going on?
And here I am trying NOT to install on my PC.
I’m on libre. Only my customers are on 365. I save to lowest common denominator (*.xls, *.pdf). Everything opens just fine. No issues so far.
Smart has never been proven to cause rich, but is often correlated with it.
Just don’t call it genocide.
Reminds me of the guy who was accused by his gf of impregnating her, then refusing to support the child. Went through everything: the lawyers, friends and family who questioned his manhood and unwilling ess to take responsibility for the child, harassment, threats from her friends, etc. finally ended up in court in front of a judge, where he calmly produced a letter from a doctor that had performed a vasectomy on him well before the child could possibly have been conceived, took the win and walked out.
I would pay to watch this rich spoilt man child have to eat his literal words. I’m sure it’s screenshotted all over the internet, but his ego won’t let him see the truth.
Tbf every body needs an asshole. Except the us, which seems to have two.
Maybe asking advertisers to ‘go fuck yourselves’ isn’t such a bright idea, fuckwit.
Dumbass. It’s govt by the people, of the people and for the rich white oligarchs, corporate interests and pork felonious insurrectionist people.
This. Everything about every ‘ai solves’ article I’ve read basically boils down to the equivalent of monkeys on typewriters, only with statistical guidance. Millions of iterations to solve what is essentially an intuitive solution for a reasonably intelligent being. I passed my driving test on the first try, after maybe a couple of weeks in school. What current ai ai doing is not intelligent in the least, and hardly efficient.
Really wondering about the point of those PhDs the llms claim to have ‘passed’.
C’mon man. There were 40 of them! He only had 1 tow truck! What was he supposed to do?
Yup, and they’re not even very common here. I’m in Malaysia, and it’s branded above the byds, of which there are much more.
Anecdotally heard from a tow truck operator that im 2024, he alone towed ~40 Teslas. Make of that what you will.
There’s still loads of bullshit surrounding the name. Hope your personal filters are up to the task the next 4 years.
Capitalism doesn’t sell performance. It sell ‘potential’ and ‘perceived gains’.
Easy. Just run for president and pardon yourself. Duh.