Will it be like when they launched a load of DDoS attacks against Sony, of which the only impact was annoying regular people and doing nothing to the company they were supposedly going after?
Will it be like when they launched a load of DDoS attacks against Sony, of which the only impact was annoying regular people and doing nothing to the company they were supposedly going after?
One positive is that they at least allow you to uninstall it.
Which I’ve just done because I didn’t even know it existed and it certainly didn’t show up in the Play Store at any point.
He’s literally just a cringe edgelord desperate for attention. And people keep giving him exactly what he wants.
He wasn’t doing a Nazi salute. He’s literally trolling you all and you’re all falling for it.
And I doubt Trump would want to piss off 170 million Americans on his first day.
He’ll want to spread it out over the four years.
I think Musk’s full conversion to attention-seeking grifter came when one of his kids came out as trans.
When did I have a problem with it? 🤔
What even is a trans and non-binary theme?
Isn’t it just some colours?
The Liberal Democrats in the UK are infamous for their dodgy bar charts in election leaflets, where the percentages don’t match up with the bars at all.
Similar to this:
It’s a running joke in the UK.
Did the UK Lib Dems make this bar chart?
I’m not sure why anyone is shocked and/or outraged by CEOs of American companies paying a visit to the guy who is going to be running the country.
CEOs of various companies meet the President all the time.
How is spreading lies about a company on a review platform a “protest”?
Surely if there was something to protest about, it would be about things that company had actually done, right?
Only the downvotes?
What about the cheering on of murder in the street?
They were two bonkers choices, but I don’t see what cancelling the election is going to achieve.
It’s going to give people the idea that it’s a stitch-up and make them mistrust elections in future. Why bother voting if they’re just going to cancel the result anyway?
You’re advocating for a technocracy then, basically.
A system that sounds nice in theory (experts decide everything, surely that’s good, right?) but there would be decision makers with no accountability to the people they’re serving, lies and propaganda would potentially be more common and marginalised groups could end up even more marginalised, because the “experts” think it’s okay and there’s nothing you can do about it.
I don’t care if I’ll get hate for this but I don’t support universal voting, if you don’t know the most basic of facts, you should have no say in national decisions - end of the story.
Not having universal voting may be a bit extreme, but the sort of ignorance on display in the photo is precisely why I don’t support compulsory voting. A lower turnout with a more engaged electorate is preferable to people just putting an X next to something when they don’t really care or have very little information on what they’re doing.
Isn’t that a burger restaurant?
Is this a Brexit benefit?
Filters are your friend.
Trade unions stuck in the past shocker.