I asked Gemini how to clear the cache on Google messages. It did not know.
To compare, inflation from 2014 to 2025 has been about 33%
Truly have never gotten the gatekeeping or what purpose it serves.
Let’s start here for now
Wat? Does it have wifi?
PBMs/healthcare conglomerating needs to be looked at as a top priority
And this Kroger Albertsons thing needs to be stopped for good
To clarify will they still be able to do index funds or 401k type stuff or is this a ban on all holdings?
Why was it so hard to press the back button out of the BBC?
At a business we had an hp laptop for 6 months before it bricked. We sent in for warranty, they sent it back saying we broke it in a noncovered way
It was a workstation on a table top that never had any food etc near us. Even with appeals they will not fix it. My IT guy is now aware we do not do business with them.
“prices will go up” no, if demand drops due to people seeing your higher price, prices will go down
So it’s like that south park episode where George Bush didn’t do 911 but he wants people to think he might have
I have not heard of this. Is this meant to be a right wing freedom of speech bot?
And Lemmy for that matter
Heh and I think a lot of us coming into the comments expected someone in deep Mississippi being threatened to acknowledging condoms exist in a sex Ed class
Smh worst entrepreneur ever
An evil turd