I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you’re used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.
I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you’re used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.
Saar, why did you redeem?
protip: put bind -s 'set mark-symlinked-directories on'
in your ~/.bashrc
and also bind -s 'set completion-ignore-case on'
because why not :)
Use it and redshift anyway, what kind of exploitable vuln could possibly be found in it?
Yes, I am. Any other questions?
The nice thing about Free software is that distros can fix these programs that store things in the wrong location. My Debian home is a lot cleaner than my Arch.
I use SyncMe which synchronizes smb shares to your phone. It’s great once you have it set up, but it does take a little setup. Gotta have shares and whatnot.
What about this one that you’re on right now?
I wrote my own rss reader for youtubue, so it does this digging for me when I paste in a channel link :)
Good video!
Like you mentioned KDE Connect will sync your clipboard between Android and KDE. The KDE clipboard also has a history and you can run actions on clipboard entries which is super handy. I’m not sure about this snippets library, sounds like a permanent clipboard history that you can search, where the KDE one just keeps the last X copied things. I’d rather have my phone keyboard learn words I type a lot personally.
Protip: Youtube channels have RSS feeds, they’re just buried in the source of the page. Ctrl-U and then Ctrl-F title=“RSS”
Repetition is key. If you do it enough you’ll remember it.
AI cryptocurrency miner
Read and do! If it’s just a toy you play with sometimes, you might find learning harder. I find that making it your daily driver will motivate you to improve and fix things and in doing that you’ll learn.
I replace Spectacle with Flameshot.
Endeavor uses yay and has tons of software. The only other package manager I knew before was apt, but learning yay is super easy. Yay by itself is like apt update; apt upgrade, yay package to search for and install a package, yay -Rns package to remove.
You just have to get them to support a free image viewer that also supports HEIC, not impossible.
Here’s $0 kid, buy yourself a better operating system. All the others come with HEIC support.
Bash was the first language I learned, got pretty decent at it. Now what happens is I think of a tiny script I need to write, I start writing it in Bash, I have to do string manipulation, I say fuck this shit and rewrite in Python lol