Yeah I get that, but why return that information in the HTTP response?
Just a lvl 27 guy from 🇫🇮 Finland. Full-stack web developer and Scrum Master by trade, but more into server-side programming, networking, and sysadmin stuff.
During the summer, I love trekking, camping, and going on long hiking adventures. Also somewhat of an avgeek and a huge Lego fanatic.
Yeah I get that, but why return that information in the HTTP response?
Interesting read. One thing I don’t fully get is why does Cloudflare have the airport code in the response headers anyway? I cannot think of a single reason to have it in the response.
I think this time the manufacturers will be pretty quick at adopting the new branding; if there’s two competing devices next to each other, one marked with “USB 3.2 Gen 2x2”, which no one understands, and other one with “USB 20Gbps” I think the latter will sell more.
I do it if I’ll be away more than just couple of days. Some of my hardware is pretty old at this point and I’m just a little paranoid about the possible fire hazard. I’m sure it would be fine to leave everything running but no real harm in shutting it down either.
Pretty sure any decent model could easily solve that anyways.
True, but often these things also track the mouse movements or touch inputs and analyse those to see if they match natural human input or not. Of course advanced AI would be able to simulate proper inputs but most bots today would fail this check.
Is it just me or does it feel that 2024 has not been a very good year in aviation safety? It seems that almost every month there’s news about some major crash or incident and then of course there was the whole fiasco with Boeing
Sure. I’m not recommending anything, just stating what has worked for me. For simple use cases, I think most of the DDNS services are pretty much the same anyway and it’s easy to switch to an another one if one stops working for some reason.
I’ve been using No-IP free plan for years without issues. Inputted the credentials to my routers DDNS client and then basically forgot about it. Free users need to confirm their account once a month via email but that’s just one click.
If your domain registrar happens to have an API to update DNS entries, you could implement DDNS yourself by writing a simple automated script to check the external IP (e.g. via and if it’s changed from the last check then call the API to update the DNS entries.
Well, just by looking at responses in this thread, the controversy most definitely still exists. Some seem to like it and others hate it fiercely.
Cool, thanks for the explanation.
a single application that gets bundled with all necessary dependencies including versioning
Does that mean that if I were to install Application A and Application B that both have dependency to package C version 1.2.3 I then would have package C (and all of its possible sub dependencies) twice on my disk? I don’t know how much external dependencies applications on Linux usually have but doesn’t that have the potential to waste huge amounts of disk space?
Sorry to ask, I’m not really familiar with Linux desktop nowadays: I’ve seen Flatpak and Flathub talked about a lot lately and it seems to be kinda a controversial topic. Anyone wanna fill me in what’s all the noice about? It’s some kind of cross-distro “app store” thingy?
I don’t remember the exact article I was reading but doing a quick google search yields this one for example. And here’s the actual research paper:
I remember reading an article about how we’re already able to simulate basic tastes, like sweetness and sourness, digitally. So just you wait, we might have lickable HTML elements in the future
Good luck, because last time they tried to replace the Start menu with a new UI went so well…
They recently added it as a experimental feature and it has been working fairly well, at least for Java. As far as I recall, each user needs to activate it themselves via settings. Far from optimal but better than nothing.
I fully support the privacy argument (I didn’t realize it has been mandatory to give some emai address to get a cert) but why not make it optional instead?
The reminder email from them has saved me once when originally “temporary” domain was not so temporary after all and I forgot to set up auto-renewal and monitoring for it.