I played both so maybe I’m confusing the rulesets but I thought it was Civ V. Totally possible I am wrong though.
Mid 30’s IT/Medical Device support and quality guy. I like cycling, video games, and singing.
I played both so maybe I’m confusing the rulesets but I thought it was Civ V. Totally possible I am wrong though.
If you want something Civ 5-like on mobile, check out Unciv. Its an open source and using Civ 5 as a template. https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv
Congrats! Do you use Android Auto? If so, how does it work for you without Google play?
I am running Bazzite and Stellaris. I have no issues with stability or opening the game. Have you checked your hardware fundamentals and done things like disable steam overlay?
Teledildonics is my new favorite word.
It depends on how the company goes about it. The larger the company, the more established the HR department. They may use their HR platform to conduct the check which may find any and everything. The smaller companies may only check recent background with a local firm. Price is the name of the game. The more in-depth the background check, the more it costs. If you are going to work in a bank or with kids, be prepared to for the company/school to use the state equivalent of the FBI. For mom and pop shops, they may just take your word on the application. If you see a national HR platform like Paycom, then the results can vary depending on the package the company purchases.
They act like its the computer daydreaming. No, its wrong. The machine that is supposed to provide me correct information. It didn’t it. These marketing wizards are selling snake oil in such a lovely bottle these days.
You can doubt all you like but we keep seeing the training data leaking out with passwords and personal information. This problem won’t be solved by the people who created it since they don’t care and fundamentally the technology will always show that lack of care. FOSS ones may do better in this regard but they are still datasets without context. Thats the crux of the issue. The program or LLM has no context for what it says. That’s why you get these nonsensical responses telling people that killing themselves is a valid treatment for a toothache. Intelligence is understanding. The “AI” or LLM or, as I like to call them, glorified predictive textbars, doesn’t understand the words it is stringing together and most people don’t know that due to flowery marketing language and hype. The threat is real.
As someone who frequently interacts with the tech illiterate, no they don’t. This sudden rush to put weighed text hallucination tables into everything isn’t that helpful. The hype feels like self driving cars or 3D TVs for those of us old enough to remember that. The potential for damage is much higher than either of those two preceding fads and cars actually killed poeple. I think many of us are expressing a healthy level of skepticism toward the people who need to sell us the next big thing and it is absolutely warranted.
Ahem, the right to manbearpig. Whatever that means…
I agree with your point here but, being the 12 year old I am, here’s the meme.
The crux of the issue, in my opinion, comes down to those who have been victimized before. Without painting with too broad a brush, men like myself, have a had time viewing the question in the same lens. We don’t experience victimization in the same rates or as the omni-present threat that is learned via experience or indoctrination by others who have been victimized. Its a form of dog whistle men cannot normally hear. I dont choose the word dog whistle for the emotional impact but the base idea of the concept. We arent aware because that sense iant built up over time. That’s why its important for all those who are victimized that aren’t middle class white women to speak up. I know many do and they are ignored but we dont have to be that way. Dispelling that notion requires stories that don’t fit that narrative to blow out the mold and make use reckon with the reality.
Yes, it does. I have used it successfully for months. My main issue is I need traffic data due to a new job and figuring which route to take. AFAIK, no other nav app has traffic data. That’s the only real bummer.
I worked for a device manufacturer that used Linux under the hood. It happens. Depends on what the staff knows and likes when designing.
I joined the Matrix instance and the dev said, for some reason, F-droid has the old version (1.0.21)rather than current(1.0.27). They are updating the repos and working on it.
I worked for a company that made a UVC light system for sterilization. The amount of safety you have to build in so people wont nuke themselves makes them hard to use.Also, the bulbs we used were delicate and had issues constantly.
Merry Christmas! Spider-man remastered always looks fun but the price is killer.
Or, hear me out, we regulate them like the utility they are and don’t give them more friggin’ information on our lives? It’s unfortunate but you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. It’s time to treat them as vital as access to water or electricity. If they want still be in the game and make some money, they need to fall in line. I am tired of my life being screwed around by companies that have become cornerstones of 21st century life rent-seeking me into oblivion.
I ran into that with my ASUS monitor. The HDMI protocol won’t support 2k@165hz
Are you using display port or HDMI? Depending on the monitor HDMI can’t support the higher output.
Hey, great stuff! I just subscribed on AntennaPod. I’m going to give it a listen on my way to work tomorrow.