The lead developers of Lemmy. They also develop the mobile Lemmy app Jerboa (personally, not my first choice).
The lead developers of Lemmy. They also develop the mobile Lemmy app Jerboa (personally, not my first choice).
More like banning USB sticks because between 2011 and 2021 KIA and Hyundai removed engine immobilizers from their car designs to save a few dollars which allowed their cars to be started by turning the ignition with literally anything.
That’s Richard Stallman. He made FreeBSD which is a distro of Linux.
I left a job that required a college education and professional licence to work in a factory and it has been amazing. I feel like I was lied to. People told me go to school and get a job with a fancy title, but the pay was terrible and my bosses were worse.
People have done blue collar work dirty. I get paid more now than at my fancy job and my bosses treat me with respect because of the work union. The only difference is the reaction you get when you tell people your job title. I’d rather money and respect than a fancy title.
Oh it’s photos of Ozzy taken by a professional photographer that were posted without the photographer’s permission.
Big deal! The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant met its 5 year goal in 3 seconds!
That’s literally Sovereign Citizen rhetoric and will earn you a spot on [email protected].
When the Panzerschokolade starts to kick in.
Anti-Defamation League. They’re a non-profit political group that state their mission is to combat anti-Semitism. They’re mostly a pro-Isreal group.
It’s what we in the biz would refer to as a “grower”, which is in contrast to a “shower”.
The article says they were purchasing these items in exchange for shipments of heroin and methamphetamine.
Last Week Tonight has an episode on food delivery apps. They talk about how these apps don’t seem to help anyone. The customer pays more than before, the restaurant loses money, the delivery drivers lose money, and the app loses money.
The general idea seems to be that venture capitalists believe they can change the way the system works so that everyone eventually relies on an app to order food. Once ordering food without using an app becomes impossible, they can charge whatever they want and make a killing.
You hear the one about the COBOL programer? In 1999 many people were worried about a bug with dates that could crash their systems. Unfortunately, a lot of really important systems were still using the outdated COBOL programing language. A search was done to find someone who could fix these systems. The last programmer who knew COBOL was found and they made a lot of money fixing up these systems. So much money that, once they received a cancer diagnosis, they cyrogenically froze themselves hoping that a cure for their disease would be found in the future. The programmer is awoken one day in a lab filled with high tech robotics. A person who is seemingly half machine themseves stands before them. The programmer asks “Have you found a cure for my disease?”. The person replies “We have cured all diseases. You are the COBOL programmer, correct?” “That’s right” “Great! It is the year 9999 and we have a problem we need your help with.”
The people of California voting to keep slavery as a form of criminal punishment.
That’s mixing up actions with intent. Their actions made it seem like it was a gift, sure. Their intent was that it was a prank. They even told the uncle it was a prank from the start.
If I go to a store an stick a PS5 into my jacket I can’t be charged with theft. It looks like theft, but intent to steal needs to be shown. How do they know my intent isn’t to pay for it? It’s not theft until I leave the store without paying. Just like sticking a PS5 into my jacket isn’t instantly theft, handing someone a PS5 isn’t instantly a gift. Actions and intent are different things.
The article has been updated to say they’re actually giving the kid a PS5 because of the bad press so in the end they’re doing the right thing anyways.
Gift law, what the original person was talking about, literally states that the donor must intend on giving the gift.
The donor of the gift must have a present intent to make a gift of the property to the donee.
If you come over to my house and say “hey, nice PS5” and I say “you want it? It’s yours!” and then before you leave I say “I was just joking, you can’t leave with my PS5.” You really think you can go to the police and have me charged with theft?
How is my claim false?
The donor of the gift must have a present intent to make a gift of the property to the donee
Intent needs to be proven or it’s not a gift. They did not intend on giving a gift.
They never intended on giving the kid the gift. If they allowed them to go home with the PS5, and then requested it back the next day, then the family would have a good argument that ownership was transferred to them. This was just a bad joke.
Edit: on lemmy.world it’s like I never left reddit!
The Tumblr Effect