Considering the potential consequences of this idiocy, 6 months is less than a slap on the wrist.
Considering the potential consequences of this idiocy, 6 months is less than a slap on the wrist.
I guess none, wanna watch this clip of a murder for hire I did?
Yeah? Well fuck those survey takers. You want to blackmail me with my reputation? G-o f-u-c-k o-f-f.
Presumably the FTC will have something to say about blatant anticompetitive actions such at these. Then again, that’s why corporations buy themselves representatives, senators and judges.
Edit: such not suck
I’m not sure what you’re taking issue with. UPS has twice as many union members as the big three combined. The Teamsters as a whole represent 3 times as many members as the UAW does in total. Perhaps the UAW has a larger war chest, I’m sure the NEA spends more lobbying, but no union in the country has a bigger hammer than the Teamsters. Longshoremen are probably close and rail workers would if they were allowed to strike. Also to say nothing similar exists in Amazon’s industry is to ignore the core of Teamsters membership, transportation and warehousing. I’m not trying to be combative, I hope the UAW gets to piss in Elon’s Cheerios on the daily.
UPS’s union is the Teamsters, and they represent twice as many employees at UPS as UAW does at the big three. The Teamsters union is an incredibly powerful union because they represent transportation and don’t cross picket lines so they can really gum up the works if they so decide.
For sure look into any subsidies available to you and see if they make a dual fuel system feasible. In your situation if you buy a high efficiency furnace, it may never make economic sense to run the heat pump, but things could always change and it’s a simple enough task to find your break even (economic balance) point when fuel prices change. My current break even point is well beyond the temperature you would consider running heat, but I still run my heat pump in the shoulder seasons to exercise it.
It must lose something in translation.
Maybe more akin to trolling, nobody has that many bad takes.
But no links, even though the Guardian article has a ton of links to tangential subjects mentioned in the article.
I’m not sure why you’re being so heavily downvoted, you’re absolutely right. Neither the Yahoo article nor the Guardian article it’s based on did the legwork to back up the premise. To drown out the misinformation, journalists need to bring the facts, else they leave the narrative open to bad faith criticism. I don’t see where you’ve advocated for the morons in the least, just asked that journalist’s do their jobs.
A “think tank” and Prager U should never be confused. There is no thinking going on at Prager U.
This, Apple is shitty for not advancing a standard. Can you imagine if every appliance came with some proprietary cable so you would be incentivized to stay with one brand to minimize hassle. We’d never stand for that, but for some reason we as consumers didn’t demand standardization in this realm. It’s a fast moving industry to be sure, but I don’t really see how that precludes standardization and that is evidenced by all the non Apple equipment that has settled on USB.
How are the feds not on this?
Elon gonna engineer the shit outta this thing. Nevermind coil steel itself varies by more than that before it goes into a die and stretches. It’s almost like he doesn’t have any background in automotive manufacturing. This statement makes me think Elon may not know what a micron even is. The fit and finish of Tesla’s current offerings seems to evidence it anyway.
The world’s most intractable case of dandruff.
Sirius/XM would like a little recognition in this regard.
Well, I see an opportunity for consolation right here!
Monopoly maintenance/lobbying (bribes): $8.41
I bet those business geniuses can find all kinds of ways to “reduce fees”. That is the number of fees, not the total dollar amount of fees.
A direct quote, “They trust me — dumb fucks”
Edit: which I guess contradicts my original statement.
Goodbye for life oxygen thief.