The same is true of all social media platforms. There are always bad actors and jerkasses that have been banned everywhere else. Eventually, the admins of said social media platform must crackdown and ban those people. Eventually, that will happen to the Fediverse.
It’s also why there’s no way Google can sustain these numbers. They pay workers like a random startup, just without any possibility of striking it rich on stock options. They are likely to be hemorrhaging talent at all engineering positions.
Eventually, we will need a fediverse version of StackOverflow, Quora, etc.
I’m of the opinion that it will require human interaction to fix this. It can’t be purely solved via algorithms.
What people don’t realize is that the original Google search algorithm, PageRank, effectively looks at how real humans interacted with the websites they were indexing. Only websites referenced by other websites were being considered by Google’s search engine. And at the time, that meant real human beings were making those links. This gave them a real advantage over other, purely algorithmic search engines.
Something like this will have to be recreated. We will have to figure out a way of prioritizing search results that real human beings have found to be useful.
Google will have to resort to human curation of search results at some point.
The company is pretty much a big scam. There’s a reason why Moskovitz calls it the next Enron. Musk would turn it into a crypto company if he thought it would pump up the stock more. As a result, the actual business side of Tesla doesn’t really need to work.
Tesla is nothing more than an elaborate stock pumping exercise built on a business of selling crappy cars to techbros. It’s valuation is propped up by lies, hype and virtual signaling. It also can’t survive without copious amounts of government subsidies and low interest loans, since the car business is so capital intensive. At some point, all of these problems will come to a head. It’s a matter of when, not if, that Tesla collapses in some form. Though it may be bought out before formally filing for bankruptcy.
People need to stop using Twitter. It’s like trying to using AOL or whatever now. It’s basically a dead product.
Tesla is a massive financial Ponzi scheme that uses the hype of BEVs to prop the up stock price. At some point, the hype and lies (plus the end of most subsidies) comes to an end. This will eventually bring down Tesla and reveal that BEVs are not some panacea technology.
It’s no longer a good place for news, discussion, or even real opinions. It’s just an echo chamber of hate and closed-mindedness, and increasingly just bots talking to each other.
Best Buy is going to be the next Circuit City. The only question is when.
In short, the death of Moore’s Law is about the end of economic scaling of transistors. Packing more transistors on a chip does not save you money like it use to. This contradicts the point of Moore’s Law.
It is a Ponzi scheme from a financial sense. In the end, it’s just a launch provider. It’s not suddenly going to become the next Apple in terms of market value. But it is valued like that, and they were able to raise billions of dollars by lying about its potential business ventures.
All of those statements existed to either drum up investment money or get people to buy non-existent products. So those things are examples of securities fraud too.
The “midas touch” is basically just securities fraud. Something he can’t get away with forever.
Then it would be another Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, etc.
SpaceX, from a financial standpoint, is just an elaborate Ponzi scheme for Musk, who treats all of his companies as his private fiefdom and personal piggy bank. In reality, none of them are genuinely profitable, and depend on government subsidies and capital investments to survive. The goal is to just build a barely viable business and then scam people with bullshit promises. Any real cash flow is immediately converted into cash for his personal use. Though from time to time, he uses that cash prop up another of his ventures. Very likely, all of this will come crashing down at some point, and it will be revealed that his companies are nothing like what they seem.
I suspect even more than 30%, and by a lot. Nearly all of the communities that once thrived seem to be dead. It feels very empty.
It’s why Google is secretly in big trouble. Their biggest and most successful ideas were from well over a decade ago. There’s very little real innovation going on at Google now. They’re just throwing crap at a wall and hoping something sticks. Eventually, their cash cows will dry up and they won’t have anything to fall back on.