I mean, That too.
Music, games, foss, reading, biking & more
I mean, That too.
This is hilarious.
I’m currently using sway/ mate on my chromebook. Ii like the idea of not switching between Wayland & x11 when switching DE’s
Sounds like we don’t need it then.
Librewolf & waterfox are fantastic. Zen is interesting but it takes some work if you are used to firefox/Librewolf. Ladybird isn’t out yet 🫠
If I needed ANY version of chrome around I would keep Vivaldi.
Fucking excuse me? Wtf is happening now?
Thanks all, i ended up getting christmas money do i bought stardew valley :)
I will check it out!
I bought it on my iPhone. I want to transfer the save to my computer and play it there.
God it’s like game after game after game this week. Caves wait to spend a billion dollars on all of these.
I only have it because my family chose that over Mastodon. Mastodon is better.
If you wanna put the work into an rss feed, netnewswire is great.
That worked perfectly! Thanks!
I use sway so keybinds are
bindsym $mod+p exec grim
^ super simple version of my my grim keybind. I tie it with slurp. Either way, i’ll give it a shot!
“Look timmy, it’s a man made entirely of bullshit”
To be safe itnsounds like younhave to register to vote every year.
Just donit when its the “spring forward” part of daylight savings.
Or everytime you’re stopped outside a grocery store by the person with the clipboard.
Making the gay pay tarrifs.