The “adults” in the room are those parents who only give into the screaming toddler, creating a kid who cries every time to get what he wants.
The “adults” in the room are those parents who only give into the screaming toddler, creating a kid who cries every time to get what he wants.
So he’s going to pardon Hezbollah on day one?
Don’t assume the Bleach-Blonde-Bad-Butch-Bodies pronounouns. It also hates big words.
Living and working in TX, I’ve seen a few of these videos. One I recall most recently was called “Little Card, Big Problem”
I’m always shocked that people believe the propaganda and the company has thier best interests in mind
Technically, if he obstructed the case while president by ordering his DOJ to drop it or obviscate it, it could be considered an official act.
Don’t worry everyone, biden was soft spoken during the debate because of a … checks notes a cold. Report that despite the obvious issues with Dump
I’ve been playing Another’s Crabs Tresure. It’s a souls like but you’re a crab. It’s been pretty fun and challenging so far. Never been a souls fan but a new game at $30 is hard to pass on
Thank you. I have a kodi setup that will try this on.
I will look into this too. Thank you
Thank you. I will check this out.
We get a few channels OTA with our antenna. Sadly, ice hockey is limited to Bally Sports, and baseball is only sometimes available on a local network that is not Bally Sports
I wish it included the public and was in TX. Id be challenging the fat, cuck, dumbass, walmart wolverine, traitor Raphael crust to a duel
Natinal security threat bc the old, orange not-a-billionaire, asshole, with big toddler feelings, need to know who is making fun of him for retribution if he wins reelection
Me, trying to figure out how to talk to my conservative family members: Google, how do I casually talk about lizard people?
I am confused by the cat litter part. Prettyr sure bleach and ammonia should never be mixed
“People are mean, and I need a safe place for my free speech” - E. Musty, probably.
I am a firm believer that the only draft pick that would have saved the Dallas Cowboy’s was Jerry Jones by the Vietnam draft
Could be? Those are rookie numbers!!! Dear Leader has almost bankrupted Truth Social already!!! You gotta get them even lower!!!
I imagine it was more of a cowboy boot. There is some room around the ankle calf area where you could conceal a smaller gun.
Also, an ankle holster makes sense to me. Awkwardly rushing to take off your shoe while hoping around on one foot could dislodge the weapon from the holster.
A bigger question is, why would you store a revolver with the hammer cocked? I don’t think a double action revolver would just “go off” with the hammer uncocked. The drop would not be strong/violently enough cock the hammer. The hammer would have to be intentionally left cocked, so a drop could accidentally release it to fire the round.