Whenever I try, I get Ravi Bhatia screaming “How can she slap?!”
Whenever I try, I get Ravi Bhatia screaming “How can she slap?!”
Eventually. It’s inevitable.
It’s economics, my dude - girls prancing around in their panties sell tickets. Girls playing basketball don’t.
I’m inclined to believe this, but what I see is laughably bad. I’ve agreed with the premise of Sandy Hook Promise since before the Sandy Hook Massacre, yet they’ve been pounding me with ads for years. Every once in a while, I get a halfhearted “But Trump is pretty cool, isn’t he?” Which will never be clicked. And, when I watched a reaction channel do Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I got a shit-ton of “God hates fagz!” And was pretty glad to see them wasting their money on me.
So, they’re dying of old age, the beetus, and the “China Flu”. They’re giving their money to televangelists, psychics, and short-sellers. And they’re still giving Biden a run for his money. Smh.
Right on top of the pickle…
My experience in going from C to C++ was different: if you’re not converting everything from mallocs with custom addressing systems to the collections framework, you’re not living.
Three fiddy.
Republicans want to end Western Civilization by abandoning science and education, returning to feudalism by deregulating corporations and catering to billionaires, and removing the US from the world community by the use of xenophobic isolationism.
I’d say there was a period before reddit hit its pinnacle where Quora was significantly better. Probably more than 10 years ago, though, and only for a few years. I remember when I started spending more time on Reddit than Quora.
Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen a picture of Randy Rhoades or Yngwie Malmsteen with a girl…
I hear that Suzie Dent has been looking into this.
When I want to see a broken mod, I just surf over to Reddit.
This is what I call a ‘pro grammer move.’
Getting arrested for acting crazy in the epicenter of Scientology is kind of an achievement.
They should additionally be forced to remove the two middle letters of the town’s name.
I hope this is cubic meters…
Nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.
Saw XI takes a whole new meaning in China.
ESR: “Every good work of software starts by scratching a developer’s personal itch.”