CEO of Technomagnus
Most important: A mindful for seeding the downloads.
Thanks mate
Level: Paranoia +++++
Vote for Brave search.
Uncomplicated Firewall is easy to setup and understand. It blocks traffic and allows it. Install UFW
sudo apt install ufw
My recommended(Chris Titus)
`sudo ufw limit 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw enable`
Is this enough?
Piracy the moral imperative of sharing knowledge:
Copy paste this in your private DNS:
So, its a bug?
Its fresh install, no dual boot
Nobora or popOs or any others?
Its an old lenovo thinkcare desktop, i5 2nd gen, 8Gig of ram, GT 730 2 GB. Games - Mostly late 2013
If I don’t game, then Linux is worth for my config?
Thanks👾 :)
Give a shot for Fedora!