Did you also have the group that had competition to see who could hold hot glue the longest, wacked eachother with metal rulers held over bunsen burners, and snorted citric acid when you made sherbert?
I had some of those in my school too…
Did you also have the group that had competition to see who could hold hot glue the longest, wacked eachother with metal rulers held over bunsen burners, and snorted citric acid when you made sherbert?
I had some of those in my school too…
Did half the class also make tazers after learning what a capacitor does, which wasn’t three best thing to know with wooden desks…
Yup. Was told clearly at the start to not plug it in to the wall sockets located just underneath us.
I find it interesting more than anything else.
In high school electronics we also used a tesla coil (that can kill you if you touch the wrong place) so they disconnected the mains cord so it had to be rewired prior to use to keep us safer.
They taught us how to wire plugs the following week…
We were taught that at high school…
I know - but it has another decade with proper maintenance.
Blaming the manufacturer 15 years ago has come and passed- that aircraft has had thousands of basic inspections, and probably hundreds more replacement parts, in depth inspections and rectified faults. Probably the only thing still original is the frame and skin.
According to another poster its a 15 year old plane.
This ain’t a manufacturer issue.
As a general rule - any airport is better than the best water.
I remember when Gears came out - it was made as a playable movie, and they did it well because it had a story line with characters we were invested in. Character deaths sucked, it was engaging, and it was unpredictable but comfortable.
Nothing wrong with the movie format, but you’ve got to tell the story.
Great, new game to try. Love me some quality time sinks.
Fully agree on graphics- I want to enjoy a game, graphics are only a component of that, and its not necessarily hyper realistic.
So is every tree
How do you make a navy SEAL cry?
Tell him his book isn’t selling.
He was in Iron Man 2.
He popped in to ruin that too.
You need some gingernuts.
This isn’t a tits pun.
Your mums a rediculous business model
Can’t belive i had to scroll to the bottom to find this.
Nothing he said is actually wrong, just missed that recognition is also a big part of it.
Care to elaborate? Because what I’m seeing is that you want those imprisoned, who are deliberately separated from society and deprived them of rights like personal freedom, to have the same rights and access to advancement?
Make no mistake, im not saying deprive them of basic human right - the prison system is bad enough. But they are meant to be deprived of freedom.
I mean, sure? If someone goes to prison you probably don’t want them making a full time wage, while having everything else paid for. Its meant to be worse than living out.
Different discussions can and should be held if they are being forced to work, for profit prisons, or options to work and gain skills or experience in trades, or to fund study. But at a surface level it sounds fair.
I must have got the crazy science ones while you got the crazy home ec - worst we did in home ec was accidentally turn the whipped cream into butter… oh, and made a rum (flavoured) and rasin ice cream.