Woah, now that’s some childish petty shit
Woah, now that’s some childish petty shit
The people who did the work are employees, and they’re paid according to the task they perform. Companies get a share obiusly, because that’s the business model, they’re the ones who have to put in place a workplace, assemble a team, acquire resources and so on
Yeah, I don’t know why they make drama out of this, it was just a desicion, dumb, unnecessary, coward or whatever you want to but they’re in their right at the end of the day
What is the petite community you say?
Props to him for fooling an entire instance
Voting with your wallet is valid and understandable, I have no issues when someone refuse to buy products from a brand they don’t like for any reason.
But, for pirates isn’t enough to just not buy, they have to consume the product either way even if, by their words, is a garbage mess, bad service or whatever. They like to trash talk about games or shows or anything and yet they go out of thier way to pirate.
Also, according to them, when you pirate a game you’re not hurting the company, because you already make the decision to not buy the product, so pirating it doesn’t make any difference. So how that would that punish any entity then? It’s so incoherent
You’re not making any sense dude, are you a masochist or what? You so vehemently say how bad, unfinished, unpolished and garbage these games are and yet you go out of your way to pirate them and play them, even if you hate it and rant about how you wouldn’t install them even if you had a quantum pc.
Also, you pirates argue that pirating doesn’t really affect companies, that once you decide not to buy thier stuff pirating doesn’t make any difference, so how that would “teach them”?. To me, seems like a childish way to get back at them then, you know you’re doing nothing and yet you choose to do so. So irrational and ridiculous.
That’s what I hate about you pirates, you HAVE to consume no matter what, even if it’s crap you don’t even like, who is the greedy one, companies or you that steal just to munch on trash?
Every profit my company pays to shareholders is part of my labor, that’s how it works, I her a cut to work on a bigger entity than me, where I can profit form labor me alone couldn’t and we both get our part.
The system isn’t fair, if I work I get money. Lower class exist because they’re not as prepared or educated as the rest or because they don’t want to work. So I don’t know what problems are you talking about
Someone posted on another comment, the guy in the screenshot takes always the same name for his accounts. I just agree with him
They never think on the people they affect. They just want free things all the time claiming imaginary problems like the government and companies steal from them, like bro, that’s just how capitalism works if you don’t like it go to rusia, Venezuela and see how they’re doing
What do they steal? They pay me my fair share, people who agree to do jobs underpaid is because they’re fucking stupid and don’t know to take good gigs. Either that or the my get a fair pay but they just are greedy and want more without doing any more work
I don’t know why people feel indignated by this, they’re just trying to save thier ass and prevent future problems with the law. Chill out
To be fair, you pirates always look like starving entitled whiny bastards. You want everything free in life and feel like you have the right and duty to take it from others. You can’t pay even $5 for a fucking game? Lmao you obviously can but choose to be a parasite and not to.
And before you come here telling me that it’s not stealing and these aren’t physical items, what I mean is that you’re actively hurting honest businesses and small artist. You’re taking thier products, making exact copies of it and then distributing them freely. You’re not competing economically making your own product, you’re just leeching off from someone else’s hard work and then killing any opportunity they could have of profiting from it.
Y all act like selling is something bad, but I have news for you: That’s how the world works! People need to buy food, pay rent and pay bills, and they’re not doing it by just making things free
Facilitating info to get pirated content isn’t illegal or punishable? i’ve seen sites get DMCA’s for featuring links even when the files aren’t hosted in that website