Wow, dumb. The last a I had was the 4a, which was notably smaller.
Wow, dumb. The last a I had was the 4a, which was notably smaller.
Is there an 8a? Those are usually the smallest model
“Don’t be.” -Evil
I tried doing online text-based therapy once. On top of it’s not the same thing, it was also just the absolute worst way to go about doing therapy, and that was with a human.
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I might be looking into a new phone soon, what do you suggest?
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You should be more careful in presenting your argument. You said “want/like.”
but the things that give you joy, do so because it’s positively correlated to you
increasing your genes frequency in the following generation.having sex.
Incorrect. Also, making your point with a lot of words does not lend it credibility. Be concise, and let your good arguments do their own work
I’m not feeding you ammo. Yes, anyone can contort anything to be driven by sex. But when I’m at home at 9 on a Friday night, three bowls in and playing a single-player video game while listening to a podcast about meditation… I’m not thinking about sex. If you are driven by sex in all your actions, so be it, but your suggestion that everyone is that way is ignorant.
No, I won’t find that difficult, because I enjoy my hobbies and being alone. I really hope you can find some other motivation in life than your fun bits.
But it’s not. Look for new reasons to do things, find different friends with different values, talk to an asexual. I am willing to bet you’re projecting your own thoughts and feelings on others.
You’re the one drawing that conclusion as the inevitability of the action. Not everyone is staring down every rabbit hole seeing how it leads to sex; some people just like bunnies. I would be far more willing to entertain the idea that everything was designed with sex in mind, even though I don’t agree with that conclusion either, but that’s not why most people do most things.
An example; I love playing trading card games. You know how many times Magic the Gathering has helped me get laid? Less than none, it actively drives women away!
Yeah, I got your incorrect point. Re-evaluate yourself and why you do things.
You choose what drives you. If you can’t appreciate the world around you for anything more than a pathway to sex, the issue lies within you.
So your suggestion is that all human action stems from the instinctive drive to procreate? Because I might actually agree with that statement, whereas your first statement is edging on gibberish.
I don’t think I get the implication. I like weed and video games and not having kids, how are my genes getting into the next generation?
Fine, I’ll play along
Joe who?