Businesses who deal with relatively large sums of consumer dollars should be very aware that people have limits, and that high dollar sums put them much closer to said limits. Everyone should always strive to treat each other ethically, just because it’s the right thing to do, but those dealing with life altering amounts of money need to know they’re at a higher risk if behaving unethically.
That honestly doesn’t sound like a bad mission, but it seems like there’s a couple other requirements they should impose on their mission and then there wouldn’t be any controversy.
They should require that their package works as well as the upstream, and, in the even that it doesn’t, they need to be very blatant and open that this is a downstream package, and support for it will only be provided by Fedora Flatpaks, and that you may have better results with the official packages.
The primary issues in this case is that it doesn’t work, and it’s not been clear to users who to ask for help.