The wasabi goes over there.
I really enjoyed the live-action One Piece series much more that I thought I would. Other than that, we’ll watch the occasional bad horror flick or goofy comedy.
It’s included with our cellular plan. If they drop it, I be returning to the high seas, yarr.
Hard disagree here, but that’s a rightous rant and an unpopular opinion, so you get my upvote.
Well, clearly burning bush, Jewish zombie, eternal damnation, Therefore I’m God wants me to be in power. Because reasons. QED.
Lincolnshire’s finest.
Personally, I like the car repair videos on YouTube. I’ve saved hundreds on repairs, and while it wasn’t always as easy as the video would make it seem (don’t try to drop a steering column by yourself, if you can help it), I feel that the videos were far more helpful than text and pictures.
You could give people a mild shock. “Here. Hold these while I crank this thingy.” Could be good for some lulz. Or get you burned as a witch.
They’ve been working on a COVID vaccine since the SARS epidemic, but that fact won’t stop the stupid.
All is Dropbox.
It sounds like ChatGPT compiled that convo from bad animes.
He up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T.
As a former professor, offer me twenty bucks and I’ll laugh in your face and tell you to get the fuck out of my office. I say this as an honest educator, but the answer would probably be the same from a dishonest one.
“The Taliban prefers Twitter over Threads. So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.” - Elon Musk, probably.
It’s because he only feels something akin to human emotion as he’s about to unhinge his jaw and devour his prey.
I say we counter EEE with FFF: deFedereate, Forget, Fuck 'em.
Weird. I gotta check out that Cookie and Kate recipe, though!
I watched the whole 34 minutes. Doesn’t this whole argument get lost in relativism? At what point am I giving enough? When I give up my health insurance? When I move into group home?