Then the Internet should make them not forget.
Then the Internet should make them not forget.
Cuz 6.6.6 is coming 😈
Had mine for a year and yep no I’m just gonna pretend OLED doesn’t exist.
Kids are cute but if you haven’t thought about how your precious baby is gonna afford rent in 18 years which will probably be like $5K/mo for a sleep pod, then you’re a sadistic asshole.
I feel absolute dread every time I see a small kid or a pregnant woman. That kid doesn’t deserve the shithole they’re getting into.
That was back when Mac was still OS X right? Once they hit 11 numbers had to go up. It’s why there isn’t a Xbox 2.
If Win11 didn’t fucking go “naw bro you don’t have a LoJack on your motherboard so no install” I’d be like whatever but since it does they need to keep supporting it for at least a decade or remove the Trusted chip requirement. I know you can bypass it, but nobody in business is gonna do that and neither is Grandma.
When you installed the browser and typed something other than a web address in the big white bar on the top, where did it go?
Libertarians are more interested in simping for our corporate overlords and removing the age of consent.
It’s literally “democracy = Democrats” and “a republic = republican” to them, simple as.
The Democrats should rename themselves the “Freedom Liberty” party just to fuck with em. Take back some of their words.
Scalp their own product and sell it for a markup just like how Nintendo does it with amibos and mini consoles.
Leaning on SuSE Tumbleweed for a set it and forget it without the Arch weirdness. Kubuntu for “I really just need an OS and don’t wanna play with it”. Or Linux Mint. Idk I lean more .deb based distros. I love apt.
Depends on desktop Environment honestly.
I’ve seen arch install and I wouldn’t wish that on anybody. All the “arch,btw” people are just bragging that they went with the hard mode install setup (probably cheated and used Endeavor lol).
Same ☝️
Plex was an easy to set up Netflix at home deal with apps on all my devices already for viewing ($5 one time fee for Android, less than a burger) and had some nice tutorials for setting up on a Pi.
Adding stuff is literally drag drop thanks to Samba. Stupid easy for me.
That and reddit which is why they shit the bed the exact same time. It’s coordinated.
Plex has a client on my TV and Xbox. How would I watch Jellyfin content on those?
I say this a guy that got his RasPi3 Plex server running just good and stable a year ago and doesn’t touch it except to cycle in new content.
Honestly surprised uTorrent still exists. Used to be nice way back when. qB is pretty much the successor in every way.
Transmission that low though is a crime.
Seems to be a Japanese thing. Several of em do that. Wish they wouldn’t.
Not on steam so wouldn’t be on the list.
AI needs that’s much power?
Fuck you, ditch it like a Zune and make some more video games.
Ads can be 15 minutes. Like they’re adding goddamn infomercials now.