MomCorp was taken!
MomCorp was taken!
I love the jank message summaries
I got one the other day that summarized a message from my 75 year old mom as a conspiracy theory. I can’t imagine having the confidence to mark a clients message as a conspiracy theory even if it 100% was.
Here’s the summary:
Conspiracy theory about government agencies being privatized for profit.
Original text:
They would turned it into a private owned so they can profit from it. That’s why they changing all the government agencies and turn it into profitable businesses for them. See how all the big corporations are lined up with trump.
Every time I go into my local Walgreens one poor bastard is stocking the shelves, handling photo, and manning the register by themselves.
Can’t wait to see how they strip this bad boy
You guys don’t understand how hard it is to be a pm.
Jira changed “issues” to “work items” and to recover from that trauma I took another two weeks off.
Yeah this is just the wiki random button with a simplified TikTok gui.
Pretty much a useless site which is a shame since I was excited about it.
It’s wild how Linus hasn’t pivoted into acknowledging his videos are like junk food. They’re fun but you shouldn’t take them too seriously.
Instead he’s doubling down in all the worst ways while continuing to come off as another whiny tech ceo
Don’t forget all the ads to buy their ink every month and other bullshit
It’s the internet so I’m assuming a month from now people will stop caring and only some slight bump in awareness as trial news comes out.
I always thought it was one of those mall ninja glaives so I’m glad it’s something else
They’ve gone too far this time. Now how are we supposed to play egg fried rice
What’s up fellow size 14s!
I often joke that I’m the person happiest that malls have died off because as a kid I was always forced to go there and try on a a bunch of 12s and 13s that never fit.
These days I’m still upset that so many good looking shoes only go up to 13
Honestly kinda miss when the drugs I did were illegal. I used to buy weed from this online seller that was really into designer drugs. The amount of time I used to spend on Erowid just to figure out wtf I was about to take.
See also Panda diplomacy
In the late 2010s and early 2020s, with China–United States relations straining, China began declining to renew panda leases for U.S. zoos.[27][28] The San Diego Zoo pandas returned to China in 2019, followed by pandas at the Memphis Zoo and National Zoo in Washington, D.C. in 2023.[29]The Memphis pandas, Ya Ya and Le Le, became a rallying point for Chinese calls to repatriate the bears after accusations of poor living conditions circulated on Chinese social media sites and the sudden death of Le Le in February 2023.
What I learned trying to turn gamers into board gamers is that most people don’t want to read so we end up making our own bullshit rules.
I found a different group to play board games with irl but then they suck at online games funny enough.
Yeah who else is going to pay for 1GB speeds knowing the most they’ll ever get is 400MB
I’ve put about 10 hours into the dlc and it’s not anymore difficult than the base game.
The worst part of coming back to Elden Rings for me was that in my mind I remember myself as a parrying god who beat Malenia in one go.
The sad reality is that I forgot how many attempts she took me so on my return the game quickly humbled me
Same with my Filipino dad who as a chef used hundreds of Mexican workers. When I was in grade school living in south Florida all the Brazilian kids would call all the other South American kids Mexicans.
The worst is when you’re trying to look for something but one of the discord bots has said a word similar ten billion times so that’s all that comes up. You’ll try to ban the bot to see other comments but then you just get like blank space or some shit where the bots comments would be
Hah I was about to say that only bad part of startups that I’ve had was that you weren’t sure if you’d have a job six months from now. I probably just got lucky and jumped on board during the “throw cash at everything phase”
Yeah like I can’t say it’s not a conspiracy theory (that I agree with) but marking it is still very… bold?