I chose the right decade to give up driving.
biting the fart bubbles in the bathtub
I chose the right decade to give up driving.
I don’t necessarily hate the capabilities of LLMs and generative AI (well, I kind of do in a lot of ways but it’s more of a personal issue about our relationship with art so we can move past it).
What I really foundationally have an issue with is the politics and the ownership of AI that comes with the territory of it being promulgated by venture capitalists. They like to extract all the value possible from any source of labour, and they see all AI as a modern, ethically cleaner source of essentially free labour from digital chattel slaves.
We are all going to be put in the position of either knuckling under for a new trillionaire class, or becoming modern renditions of the John Henry mythos, the way things are going. I see it this way: either all AI needs to be expropriated for the common good, or the genie needs to be let out of the bottle at every stage so that everyone has equal computational powers. Neither is a perfect solution by any means, but they’re both better by far than the default scenario we’re heading towards.
I mean, there’s no comparison. Punching Nazis is always cool, Twitter is just talking to them, which never is. You and fifty friends go on Twitter and dunk on Nazis all day and you’re still just at a table talking with the enemy. Take fifty friends to a Nazi bar and throw punches, you’ve just improved the neighbourhood.
Computers are what we’d get if Epimetheus stole something from the gods for us instead
I ought to look for that, thanks!
Yeah I can see that.
I’ve seen fan-made AI upscale works that don’t suck, but I expect cartoons benefit more from the technology than live action footage ever could.
I had a hard time staying sane trying to see them as actual American politicians. When you let yourself see them as fifth columnists hell-bent on ending America, reality starts to feel way more coherent.
Once you start noticing projection, it gets hard to stop.
“Why don’t you just stop being so rich?” Is a question they are terrified of being asked.
You love to see a business learn to fail faster.
Before he died, the idea of EPCOT was to create his vision of an actual city, not just a park attraction. I read a quote from him about it that seems very much in the vein of Mussolini’s idea of fascism as the fusion of corporate and state power,
“There will be no landowners and therefore no voting control. People will rent houses instead of buying them, and at modest rentals. There will be no retirees; everyone must be employed.”
Better headline, “Disney toes the line for Nazi scum, and Walt himself was a Nazi sympathiser even after Kristallnacht. EPCOT was his fascistic wet dream. Fuck Disney throughout time.”
Still an overstep IMO. Little people don’t look like kids, it’s super uncalled for.
Oh no, my comment got sorted to the bottom. Help, I’m being oppressed by pseudonymous engagement metrics.
I’m not here to split hairs, we’re both talking about the same problem. I’m still happy for them finding a way out.
Privileged. British by birth.
That said my wise card is still my daily driver.
Hahaha yeah
Not bad! It’s a dictatorship, but aside from that I hear it’s quite a good standard of living. And I hear the food scene is immense.
It’s never been more true, the old saying that freedom ain’t free.
I’ve become an immigrant in the UK a few years ago when I had the good luck to convince myself all of this would happen sooner or later. Kept my citizenship so far because I wanted to vote against him this time. What’s your story?
We were rocking an 08 Mazda without even power windows up until a few years ago. Even that is too much these days. I’m happier on buses and trains.