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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Doc: That’s an interesting name, Mr…

    Fletch: Babar.

    Doc: Is that with one B or two?

    Fletch: One. B-A-B-A-R.

    Doc: That’s two.

    Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other, that’s what I thought you meant.

    Doc: Isn’t there a children’s book about an elephant named Babar.

    Fletch: Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.

    Doc: No children?

    Fletch: No elephant books.

  • I dunno man. I quickly learned to avoid Chrome at all costs because of the performance. Even when it was supposedly “good”, it was always a massive memory hog. Never had that issue with Firefox, and if it ended up taking a few seconds longer here and there to load a page, it would pale in comparison to the overall hit to the system from Chrome. Like being penny wise and pound foolish.

  • There are plenty of those places around me, and they advertise agressively everywhere. But there are also the metal scrapyards that will pay YOU for your e-waste. That’s where most of these recycling places take the stuff you paid them to dispose of. If you want the service of having it picked up, I’d say fill your boots, but I will just go the scrapyard with a binful once in a while when I plan to be in the area.