Why do all the 0 calorie sweeteners have to taste like a dead hobo’s arse?
Why do all the 0 calorie sweeteners have to taste like a dead hobo’s arse?
Doc: That’s an interesting name, Mr…
Fletch: Babar.
Doc: Is that with one B or two?
Fletch: One. B-A-B-A-R.
Doc: That’s two.
Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other, that’s what I thought you meant.
Doc: Isn’t there a children’s book about an elephant named Babar.
Fletch: Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.
Doc: No children?
Fletch: No elephant books.
Congrats! This was as far as my budget would allow too, and can confirm it is better than the Radeon R7 250 I had before it.
Make a read only file/folder with the same name and the script should fail. But that is horseshit.
Does your PC have an Intel or AMD CPU? Congrats, you don’t have to worry about Recall. At least for now, it only works on Copilot+ PCs with ARM processors.
That’s a funny way to spell Ogre Battle.
I dunno man. I quickly learned to avoid Chrome at all costs because of the performance. Even when it was supposedly “good”, it was always a massive memory hog. Never had that issue with Firefox, and if it ended up taking a few seconds longer here and there to load a page, it would pale in comparison to the overall hit to the system from Chrome. Like being penny wise and pound foolish.
She’d probably leave a golden diaper at a GOP convention with a label saying “For the most worthy”.
True, but I am talking about CD-Rs, as per above. I assume you know what those are.
All of my old PS-1 games on 25-30 year old CD-Rs work fine. You’d be lucky to get 10 years from an HDD. I start losing disks in my RAID 5 arrays at about 6 years, and if you are unlucky it could be under 3. I have a 10 year old USB stick (oldest one I haven’t lost yet) that has started failing. So CDs are looking pretty good long term. Would just be a pain to back them all up again, but you might only really have to repeat that once for a lifetime of use.
Well I wanted a station wagon. Bring back the rumble seats and front bench seating!
There are plenty of those places around me, and they advertise agressively everywhere. But there are also the metal scrapyards that will pay YOU for your e-waste. That’s where most of these recycling places take the stuff you paid them to dispose of. If you want the service of having it picked up, I’d say fill your boots, but I will just go the scrapyard with a binful once in a while when I plan to be in the area.
Finally, someone who can wear the Reeboks with the straps and the boots with the fur!
I thought it was putting grandma on speed dial
First mention of Transport should be Presentation for OSI. All People Seem To Need DP. Dr. Pepper? Data Processing? Remember it as you will.
Search for 4k77, 4k80, 4k83.
I have a handbanana stuffed toy somewhere downstairs. Perhaps I will go find it. Tonight.
That’s a good point, and is probably why they designed it so that if you swerve hard, lane assist shuts off. It only nudges you back to the middle of the lane if you are gently drifting to a side, so it only works in situations where your turn signal can be used to avoid it. Or you can just disable it if you drive a BMW or otherwise can’t use turn signals.
It pains me to think that there soon may be a whole new employment field built around the demand for workers trained to muck out robo-vajayjay.