I don’t know. Some people who experience abuse and escape it become far worse abusers when they’re in position to do so.
I don’t know. Some people who experience abuse and escape it become far worse abusers when they’re in position to do so.
Meanwhile, Harris has spoken of an unrealized gain tax on people with over a hundred million dollars.
The GOP tantrums from this willfully ignore that whole hundred million dollar part and are telling people that they’ll be taxed on assessment increases of their homes.
They’ll make you listen to Vogon poetry. If your head explodes, you’re not a bot.
I used power delete suite last year. Just checked and most of my profile is back. Assholes.
I didn’t wake up this morning with the knowledge that I’m about to move to Pennsylvania and convert to being Amish.
We would have to first value education, and that counts for parents and home life as well.
Instead, we’re at war with education trying to water it down as much as possible if not outright eliminate it.
PayPal was so far ahead of the curve. I’ve actively avoided using them for a long because of something that happened many years ago. I sense that young people see it as a boomer app.
PayPal could’ve been the big bank of the Internet and they fucked it up.
Shitty Boeing aside, how are they eating up there? I don’t know anything about space station food logistics, but if a planned week has turned into ten weeks, surely there must be a resource strain.
Edit: Google search says they can regularly send up unmanned supply ships.
This is that God damned Clinton’s fault. It was his administration that overextended the reach of the federal government to hinder the freedom of globetrotting American pedophiles!
Obligatory /s
This sounds like a modern day version of the Schlitz mistake back in the seventies where they cut the quality so much, so fast, that the formerly largest brewery in America became a worthless brand that nobody trusted.
The b-school lesson from this was to drop the quality of your product more slowly so people wouldn’t notice.
I figured no big company would ever suffer consequences from shitty product ever again because they’d figured out the drip instead of the open floodgates.
I hope more companies get to enjoy this fate, especially food producers.
Send the scam a hundred bucks, lose it, sue Google for fraudulent endorsement.
(Yes yes, this wouldn’t work in the real world against Google’s legions of lawyers, but I like the thought exercise)
That’s how I try to describe growing up with it when people ask why I don’t to to church or subscribe to any religion.
Aside from the many other aspects of it, even as a child, I couldn’t understand why I was supposed to be so enthusiastically smug that I belonged to this thing that seemed to exist only to impose rules on everything imaginable and that those rules would invariably be against anything even remotely fun or pleasurable. Hell we couldn’t even use most spices; thanks Dr Kellogg.
At age six or so I legitimately perceived it to be sinful to smile or laugh for fear I’d be punished because there would be some arbitrary rule that whatever caused me to smile or laugh was too worldly.
Fuck that. I’ll be miserable and curmudgeonly on my own terms!
This looks like it’s from the exact same playbook as, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t vote for women,” back when the DNC was forcing Hillary Clinton on us over Bernie.
That article reads like a list of negative points from The Good Place - it’s impossible to do the right thing.
I don’t. Just picked a random appliance that breaks a lot.
Tenant: Can you fix my garbage disposal?
AI landlord: I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
I’m proud of my demon spawn
She’s a tech savvy electrical engineer who spends her working hours mucking about with semiconductors.
When she’s not at work, which seems to be pretty much all day every day, she’s out on remote hiking trails with primitive camping gear.
From this old man’s perspective, she’s living the ideal balanced life.
To the immigrant thing - I was on vacation a few weeks ago and took five Uber rides. None of the drivers spoke English. I wonder if ride sharing is going the immigrant predator route these days.
For clarification, it didn’t bother me to have non-English speaking drivers. They were all great.
The only reason I ever took my kid to Disneyland was because we lived in southern California and knew somebody who worked there that gave us free passes.
It was a great day that my now adult daughter doesn’t remember at all.
I loved my own childhood trip to Disneyland in 1979 when it was a much, much simpler and cheaper affair.
If I had kids today, Disney would be completely off the table.
A very long time ago, and much less technologically advanced:
I went to boarding school. We had a little bit of a propensity for sneaking out of the dorm at night.
New dean comes in our senior year and installs alarms on all the exits.
Our senior year time capsule contains the controlling keypad to that alarm system that wasn’t even functional for twenty four hours.
I’ve no doubt that today’s teens possess the ingenuity to bypass if not completely disable this thing.