Between that and Diablo 4 he needs a lot of time to work on getting good. Whoever is boosting his account is likely under a strict NDA, but Id love to hear their story.
Between that and Diablo 4 he needs a lot of time to work on getting good. Whoever is boosting his account is likely under a strict NDA, but Id love to hear their story.
This reeks. I’d say forget reddit, but it sounds like the odds of it being a justified ban are high so I’m inclined to hope you find a way back there.
After this they should send her an honorary diploma.
Google does tend to find what it thinks you want. She probably entered something analogous to “ok to have gun in Australia”
Should, but musk is trying to help Alex Jones in a weird way and be a nuisance to the onion. I hope it blows up in his face
I mean, maybe don’t mention the PS5 during any of it, at the very least use a separate email than the one tied to your account. I totally get your concerns, I’d be pissed too. I think I’d try returning to the store multiple times (maybe getting lucky with a different person or even a different location)
Yah, as much as I hear people looking for non-smary TVs for this reason, that’s the correct answer. Mine is connected for convenience, and I’d rather save every mb of space on my xbox, right now there’s occasionally the small ad tucked into the input selection menu, but if it starts showing me full screen ads I’ll deny it internet and install streaming services on Xbox.
How likely is that chunk to be thrown out for being obviously ridiculous?
Dang, all those poor people having eat anything he cooks.
I’m holding for Thanos’ snap wiping out several specific people
I imagine him and other billionaires in a group chat with him word vomiting every time he has an idea of how to further fuck the USA.
Is “blame Biden” the next “thanks Obama”?
Same, bowl was stolen :( at least they didn’t take the table it was on
I like to imagine you piggyback on their wifi just to pirate movies every weekend now, for old times sake.
We can dream
Huh? Watching TV on his Xbox live? It definitely didn’t look like that
Ah, so this is the beginning of the end of Disney, I wonder if it will slowly burn out or if it’ll be cut into pieces and picked clean.
Someone in your town made a very difficult decision, or something terrible happened
Precisely, whenever I heard Diablo 4 I had my doubts, at the least I expected he paid others to grind out some of the time sink stuff. Should’ve picked a game thats less time intensive, though I’m sure he’d cheat anyways.