The great enshittening of internet platforms continues
I do stuff and sometimes I don’t do stuff
The great enshittening of internet platforms continues
Switched back in the summer for good. Use Firefox in my android as the default browser with DuckDuckGo as search engine. The issue is still relying on the android digital hemisphere as the default OS for my phone.
Edit : The only thing lacking is tab management. I know there is an extension. But it doesn’t satisfy.
I regret being complicit in allowing these silicon valley behemoths to reach a point where they’re indelibly linked to practically every aspect of the average person’s digital life.
At least the Fediverse and Lemmy are showing the way forward.
You’ll be paid in NFT Snoos.
In all seriousness, this leaves the site wide open to exploitation in the pursuit of monetary gain.
Ultimately that will lead to a degredation of content (even more so than now).
It remindeds me of the time my family signed up to AOL after using one of their free trial discs from a magazine. It has the same feel as those days, discovering forums and messages boards dedicated to all kinds of esoteric interests you could think of.
It’s like the days before the dark times, before the empire.
It’s a degradation in functionality masquerading as an improvement. And as for labelling everything ‘shit’, have you seen my comment history. This is the first time I have used this term on any platform. Smh