A whole gay jail? Sign me up!
A whole gay jail? Sign me up!
Am not american, but i used to life with someone like that for many years. So god damn annoying
They saw themselfs in him: a grown up child
Im so glad im no longer on there
I have been banned from reddit for supporting Ukraine.
Here its smaller, but that makes it more charming
They will sell your Idea as a premium feature now
Americans really dont know how to protest…
…he voted for the people who dont recognise the head of his religion?! As a former catholic myself, wow, he is a stupid one, hope the one person threw which they are your inlaws isnt as bright as them
Just rename the functions, classes and variables ;) “Hey look at the game i made!”
I know they had a terrible redesign last year and then it went all terribly down hill
It shut down, didnt it?
So many are…
Hahahaha yeaaah they wont like what i post and used to post.
Dear reader if you are curiouse, its both. Both of what you think
I got perma banned after i joined NAFO as a mod 2 bannes for petty reasons and then the third and final ban. Always waited for the other bans to time out
I think the definition for me would be geek
Difference is, Edison had scientist that invented something useful. Elon, well…he came up with the idea of a shittier version for busses, trams and subways
True. Atleast Hammer knew his weapons and could sell them alone
Yeah. That is Hammer
Naaawwww :( I wanted to be locked up with fellow enbys. Would be a RIOT in prison.