When do we start needing active coolers for our drives?
When do we start needing active coolers for our drives?
You can get spinning rust all the way up to 32 TB in a single 3.5" disk and 8 TB in an NVMe drive. The tech is out there, but it takes time for the price of stuff like that to come down when there isnt much demand for it.
It’s bad practice to do it, but it makes it especially easy for end users who already trust both the source and the script.
On the flip side, you can also just download the script from the site without piping it directly to bash if you want to review what it’s going to do before you run it.
My so-called introverted friends never want to go out clubbing on a Tuesday night because they only worry about the future like “Oh, if I go out with you tonight, then I’ll be a zombie at work tomorrow”. Like, live in the now and care about other people, like me!
As a corporate IT drone, usually the extension blocks come from on high and we have no say in what they are. Also, the users that are smart enough to figure out ways around the blocks are not who we are worried about protecting from themselves.
Against this specifically?
Additionally, ensure that you are following best practices for your own data by enabling MFA wherever you can and dont re-use passwords for any service.
Man, it just keeps getting worse.
The first sign is a reasonable expectation, the second sign removes a little agency but is still decent customer service, the third sign reads like a parody of overbearing corporate attitudes, and the fourth is just abusive
“We’re not liberal or conservative, we’re a secret third thing!(conservative)”
I do remember that. But I also remember he was president for 3 years prior to that promise, and a whole year afterwards, and he made no move to action that.
Biden wasn’t a bad president, but he wasn’t a great one either.
I agree. But also, why didn’t you do anything about it when you had the chance?
I haven’t tried to use hamachi in years so I’m not sure about a solution to your problem. However, I can strongly recommend Zerotier as a potential alternative
I disagree about TotK being a bad sequel, but I 100% agree that it should have been a new franchise. TotK returned to the same map, but with a twist and a whole new set of tools to explore with, plus 2 new massive areas.
You’re spot on with Echoes of Wisdom though. It’s hard to avoid using beds and water blocks as the solution to every movement puzzle and it’s hard to avoid just using whatever Lv3 mob you have as a solution to all the combat.
You’d think, but its easier to just charge an extra 20% and then blame China while pocketing the extra 3%.
We wont start mining for rare earth metals until they simply refuse to sell to us.
The flavor is fine, I just wish it didnt turn the cheese into slime
Protonmail is definitely more private than google or Microsoft, but you shouldn’t hold 100% trust in any provider. Ultimately your data is still on their hardware and they have control of it. Also, as others have pointed out, both sides need to be secure otherwise all that data is accessible on the other side.
You can mitigate it yourself a bit by hosting your own email server, but I highly recommend against that as its a massive headache to secure and basically every provider will reject your messages anyway.
Right attitude, wrong solution.
Email is very much not private
All they need to do is let people keep their original bsky handle when they switch to domain verification. You’d still see some copycat accounts, but the barrier of entry is now higher as it would require someone to purchase a lookalike domain name
Excel, Active Directory, and to a somewhat lesser degree MSSQL.
Good. This should be forced via regulations. Touchscreen controls are provably more dangerous than buttons due to the distraction.
I mean, this doesn’t really change anything from a practical perspective. It just highlights that the verbage in the press release was alarmist.
It’s still a security concern that most users will be unaware of.