I didn’t know about the gliding for special symbols and numbers. Thanks for that.
I didn’t know about the gliding for special symbols and numbers. Thanks for that.
Oh please no
Oh no, through this article I found out about Bandcamp’s enshittification. I like that Website to obtain music…
Ay, also am using that one
Sadly, when researching problems or interests, often Redditposts have useful info.
Until they decide its opt-out or remove the option to choose altogether.
There is also the option to selfhost a Joplin server, or pay the devs for Cloud Sync.
Does Joplin do what you need?
Some Distros come with Nvidia drivers preinstalled and I have heard people being succesful with them PopOS and Nobara come to mind. Nobara is very similar to Fedora, it is in fact based on it.
I do not think they are called drivers, but yes, installing the needed codecs should work. I just did not find out how to do it properly.
I did not really solve it. I looked around for a bit but found no good solution. The only thing that sort of worked was to copy the stream URL in Jellyfin and paste it into VLC Media Player, which could play the videos okay. But that was not really satisfactory for me.
In the end I installed a new OS on my PC which already came with the codecs to decode x265 preinstalled. I installed it for other reasons but it fixed also that issue and now I can play any video in the Jellyfin Media Player. I did not try if it also works in the browser. The OS I am now using is called Nobara.
I had a similar problem. For me it was because some of the videos were encoded with x265 which some client devices could not decode properly. Therefore the server had to decode them but it was not fast enough to do it.
I guess that is why on the Android device the videos are smooth, it can handle the decoding.
Where/how do you upload photos?
Mullvad has it was well.
FreeTube still works flawlessly.
Just check the post of the last week or so. Feels like there are plenty about brave.
I am using metager, but am not sure what qualifies as ‘best’ as I did not do much comparison.
MetaGer for me, run by a non profit and you can choose to pay for search results to be ad-free and get more search options.
Of course it is easier, however, the point was that it is lazy…