Fancy way to call people stupid
I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I’m here just to get my house back.
Fancy way to call people stupid
Thank God I only use electronic money
I don’t think that’s a linear logic. We all know Vision is a robot. But we also know it’s a story about a robot that is played by a man. We are watching for the spectacle, not because we believed the story to be real.
I mean it’s Mexico. I wouldn’t really consider them “liberal”.
With a pee room and some shady video
He sounds dumber every time he tries to become relevant again. Does Kim have sile custody? Because I would go after it now.
I have a bigger problem with MJ than Kanye. Kanye admits to being an ass and his music has fell off since 808. But MJ contends that he did nothing and I don’t believe him. I believe the victims. Especially after that HBO movie. I just can’t support the guy.
Ok. I’m an asshole.
Or I’m sick and don’t want to go out or cook. Sucks. But they don’t get a tip when their “fees” are the same cost as the food.
People that just pay and don’t pay attention
It’s a free vacation?
I’m showing up in flip flops and making scene
Probably because his wife kicked him out for being an asshole.
It ain’t that hard of a game!
People need to cheat at Diablo 4?
Pushing an agenda usually has that effect
They already have the jury/judges/media/prison brought.
Fecesbook is crap. Crap take from a crappy data salesman with nothing but crap to sell. I can’t wait until it eats itself from all the bots.
Jesus Christ she is a fucking moron