Fwiw, I think Android is starting to get to a good place now with Kotlin, Compose and the MVVM-architecture.
The old days were completely wild though
Fwiw, I think Android is starting to get to a good place now with Kotlin, Compose and the MVVM-architecture.
The old days were completely wild though
From what I gather from the Perplexity CEO, he is just that type of Musk-tier cringelord, so yes, probably
Aha! Sounds like a combination of a cliff (but not quite if the grant is just not given until 1 year) and continuous refreshers.
If I understand correctly, that’s what’s called a cliff - during the first period of your grant, you have no ongoing vesting, until a set date in the future where all of that period vests at once.
For example, first 12 months: 0%, then 12/48 at once, and finally 1/48 every month for the remainder of the grant.
Correct me if I misunderstood.
Evenly weighted vesting schedule: Your grant vests the same amount every month for every year of the duration of the grant. For example, 1/48th of the grant vests over 4 years.
Back-weighted grant: Your grant vests less or not at all for the early period of the grant, and then a majority in the later part of the grant. For example: Year 1 10%, Year 2 20%, Year 3 30%, Year 4 40%.
Why it’s fucked up: The company is incentivized to abuse your labour early in your employment and then push you out before the majority of your compensation package kicks in.
Equity is already enough of a pair of golden handcuffs as it is, there’s no need to make them worse from this perspective.
My god, could he have chosen a name more cringe than this? Fuck.
Obfuscation only makes the effort of decompilation take a bit longer - fundamentally, they are going to be executing the bytecode on your device, and that cannot be hidden from you.
I’m speaking from experience here - I’ve decompiled multiple APKs before, all containing bytecode that has been obfuscated by ProGuard. It’s a bit harder than reading source code, but with some practice it’s always possible to figure out what’s going on in the end.
Back-weighted vesting schedule is some truly fucked up shit. Reddest of red flags
Honestly, just never use link shorteners. QR codes have basically completely killed their use-case, and various sharing tools take care of what little QR codes do not.
Literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Why is this man still alive?
If you’re just rubber-stamping in code reviews, why even have them in the first place in that case? They aren’t exactly providing you with any mileage at that point.
Feel free to decompile them - it’s all there in the APK, you don’t have to live in doubt.
The reason your roads have so many potholes is because where you live likely has too much road infrastructure to support relative to the amount of taxes collected to maintain said infrastructure.
In other words, it’s insolvent.
Elon starting to comment on technical matters was the moment I learned he was actually completely beyond incompetent, since I have some actual expertise on the subject. Right around the time he bought Twitter and commented publicly on its architecture.
This is further evidence to that point
The correct response to any PR that is too large to digest is to reject it and ask the author to split it up.
Llama has several restrictions making it quite a bit less open than Grok or DeepSeek.
Android Studio or VSCode usually.
But really, there’s no single best option here - use whatever works the best with you and the tech you’re targeting. The same advice applies for programming languages, libraries and just about everything in tech
Just make it a tax at that point, honestly.
It’s kind of fine if it becomes just another Truth social though, isn’t it? Kind of a containment zone. The big problem is if it’s the one place where everyone is.
Anything Turing-complete is a powerful tool, but the reason people are reacting negatively is because of how much of the wrong tool it is.
Basically the only saving grace of Excel-based solutions is that they are built in tools that finance workers comprehend, and that is quite simply not enough. To base systems at this scale on Excel is criminally negligent.