I forgot where I was commenting. Shame on me.
I forgot where I was commenting. Shame on me.
It’s not a disingenuous comment when a huge majority of certain subs on here literally claimed Trump would stop the genocide and should be voted in to do so.
Here we are not 2 months after inauguration, and he has already called on the destruction of Gaza multiple times and ways.
I wonder if this also means that specialty license of 10 that isn’t stopping support. I was considering using that before going to 11. The name escapes me of what it was, though.
I just can’t anymore
Vampire survivors? Damn
What the actual fuck
You’d be surprised what’s recoverable, especially if it’s an HDD.
There was a recovery service I could send customer drives to that could recover a drive in a fire, flood, buried, shattered etc. The question was, how much did you want to pay for the service. One quote came back over 75k.
Uhm, what?
It was intentional. Did you not hear the lines Samuel L. Jackson said and what he wore? He was specifically playing the part of racist america. “It’s too ghetto” “oh see the slow song was nice”. Everyone being black was completely, 100% intentional.
I’m saying it’s a good thing cause it’s a middle finger to uppity white people in this country who clutch their pearls at anything more than a suntan level skin color. Look at this successful black man with all these successful black people in your white America.
I’m posting in all these threads, so ICE knows my position very clearly.
Fuck off, you add nothing of value, you are useless, and your mom probably hates you.
I posted in the other thread talking about this. Just so it’s painfully clear,
Fuck off ICE.
And suddenly Chappelle’s blind black man KKK member is truth.
Oh I did. I just sat there with my hands tented together saying good…gooood over and over
Kendrick knew exactly what he was doing by having everyone be non-white. I was all for it.
Tesla is valued more than every other car company combined, but they sell a fraction of vehicles. You tell me what drives the stock price, it’s sure as shit not sales.
Sales don’t matter to him, stock price does, and its going up.
They are the ones in fucking power!
Is it bad for business these days? Tesla still worth a shit tone of money and he fucking saluted on national television.
You can target practice with air guns. Some can still kill, but it’s what Olympians use in their target sport.
Like the shoplifters won’t make bogus accounts? Wtf are we even doing here?
Buttery males!