Land of the free, home of the brave or something. Doesn’t sound very free or brave to me though. More like government mandated helicopter parenting.
Land of the free, home of the brave or something. Doesn’t sound very free or brave to me though. More like government mandated helicopter parenting.
Even better, Shelly. Their devices have optional cloud connectivity, but also have a local API. they’re compatible with home assistant and their bluetooth sensors use the BTHome standard, which works beautifully with home assistant as well.
Indeed, just let them be responsible for waking up on time. If they wake up late, the consequences are for them. Don’t want the offered solution, find your own, it’s not my problem if you’re late for school/whatever.
Understandable, but I was sold on it after the free trial. I actually got the results I was looking for most of the time, and I love that you can block/demote/promote certain sites, as well as the search lenses as they call them.
The incognito search url is also practical, searching with Kagi from your incognito browser windows.
No ads, no personalized search bubble, … Worth the money to me. Apparently much of that can also be achieved with SearXNG, according to what people say,but you tried that already.
Yes, and it’s mostly the wind noise, because on my electric motorcycle I need them more than on my large touring bike with superb wind protection.
In my experience, you situational awareness is better, because all sounds are turned down, you can still hear everything, it’s just not as loud. Most of these attenuate the frequencies where the wind noise is more than the rest, which also helps.
The main reason why I say your awareness is better though, is that you have less fatigue when you aren’t constantly exposed to loud noise while riding, again in my experience.
The helmet you have also makes a huge difference, just like the bike. On a naked bike you’ll have more wind noise, whereas on a touring bike with a large windscreen, it’s mainly engine noise.
I was a bit skeptical about paying for search, but after trying out the free plan, I subbed and later upgraded to the family plan. No regrets.
Probably because he rides a bike
Indeed, different price point though, but shouldn’t be more expensive in the long run. I like what they’re doing and live my AMD 13
If you like classical music, give qobuz a try… High quality audio, large selection of classical music.
When you create a tidal account they tell you how to transfer your playlists automatically via a 3rd party service (Limited to 500 tracks, unless you pay). Qobuz does the same, but if I’m not mistaken actually partners with the 3rd party service to offer it for free without the 500 track limit.
I was sceptical at first too, but a not-paid-for search engine will either have ads, paid results or try to monetize the search data in some way. I feel it helps me find what I need, better than the alternatives I tried, and I like the features and configuration options it has.
In that case it sounds like Tuta is the right choice for you. I just wanted to make sure you knew about the drawbacks. For me the search thing is what killed it, because I regularly search older emails.
I moved away from Tuta, and while getting my mail out wasn’t as straightforward as with regular mail services, it also wasn’t hard.
Proton offers an IMAP bridge, which will let you use any IMAP client to download your mail and then transfer it somewhere else.
I tried Tuta when it was still called Tutanota, but it was rather cumbersome to use. The mobile and desktop app would work reasonably well, but searching through your emails was a pain.
It also wasn’t possible to use any email client on the pc. Proton also doesn’t offer IMAP access, but they do have a bridge you can install for that, enabling the use of almost any mail client.
Understandable. Good luck hunting for drives!
I got one or 2 4 TB drives (Seagate IronWolf). If you’re interested in 5-6 year old NAS drives that got replaced with larger capacity ones, send me a message and I’ll send you the smart data. I wasn’t planning on selling them, but they’re not being used anymore so I might just as well.
One of the things I love about my electric motorcycle is how quiet it is. I can ride around without annoying people with obnoxious noise.
I have to add that I don’t mind the sound of most (unmodded) exhausts, but I can’t also imagine that when you love in a region that’s popular among motorcyclist, it becomes quite annoying when you can’t enjoy the good weather outside without near constant noise.
At least unsolicited duck pics aren’t very likely to get you on some list 😅
Oh, mine only seems to physically disconnect the camera and not slide anything in front of the lens. Do you have the 16?
That lens cover also seems unnecessary to me. A physical disconnect for the camera and microphone is a nice touch of Framework’s laptops…