Crowdstrike moment
Crowdstrike moment
If by that you mean the Unix time, then yeah, but There has been documents showing that Signal doesn’t store sensitive plaintext data.
There is! But it’s only in signal
Copilot would just violate patents
Worst is, if you don’t subscribe to specific services, people will call you the odd one out
Same thing with microwaves
Food is ready and get a video for “why do microwaves hmm?”
Off topic, but do you have backups of the Megathread with the olderbimages, it’s been so long all I remember was 2d drawings of Anthropic animals, and I liked that.
No GDPR, No rights
Flash drives are a waste unless you are snowden.
128 password Encrypted hardrives should do it
Keep in mind jeff bezos use signal to prevent the fcc from reading their conversations
Anything LATAM
Capitalism fighting over a diary is ridiculous, at least recorded books released an audiobook of it.
Typical 1984 behaviour and wrong thinking
Another question would be how to make a seedbox service use I2P. I have seem some but none of those didn’t mention I2P as a feature
The webaite is well designed for a 17 year old, or at least for someone to at least attempt the cause.
Be a good man and publish it on torrents-csv too