Read that Tesla pushes December in Norway for padding end of year numbers, resulting in a stagnant January. I think that concutive stagnant months is what would indicate how sick we are with Musk
Read that Tesla pushes December in Norway for padding end of year numbers, resulting in a stagnant January. I think that concutive stagnant months is what would indicate how sick we are with Musk
Fuck. For a second there I thought it was an ad in Lemmy, and was enraged that this shit was pushed. Don’t scare me like that
When was he born? Not everyone knows all the “secret” signs for stuff. How 18 is A.H or how 81 is H.A (Hells Angels) 1% biker clubs have surprisingly much of such codes. 8 is also the number of Khorne in the Warhammer fantasy/sci-fi setting. And before we start with that there are surprisingly few Nazis who play, but the few are very vocal.
Years ago I saw a guy in a crocery store in Norway wearing a “Combat18 Böhmen” hoodie. Buying ingredients for tex-mex taco incidentally. And when I pointed him out to my wife, she said that you are probably the only one in here to know this, and spot him for what he is.
So if Andy was born in 1988 I hope it’s why he has 88 in his username.
Fuck the MS suite is such garbage. My work was sold in for Teams with all the BS. Now I have to either map up the filepath creating what we used to have, or I can’t see the file folder and make a call at the same time. Onenote with it’s arbitrary syncing. And good luck finding it again since it stored at some random place if you loose access.
Word and excel is decent, but for a person who likes to tinker with versions it’s a nightmare to invite people to edit it.
Cluncky interface, slow and bloated all around
Same for me. I dont need any of the extra stuff the sub gives outside the basic function of the software.
Pocket Cast is good. But I am now on the end of my “heritage” price, and up for the post price hike price. Debating whether it is worth it.
IG Farben, Krupp, Thyssen, Boss, Porsche and the list goes on and on and on. Fuck I suspect that even my own grandfather “had stripes” (slang for collaboration with Nazis without yourself being proclaimed nazi) and he even fought them during the invasion of Norway.
None of these companies would touch Trump with a 10 foot pole in the situation wasn’t so dire. But he is the next president, and he is known to respond to stuff like this. Bend knee, kiss his ass and carry a huge wad of cash. This is just the cost of doing business, and even if a vocal minority cries out most people still buy iPhones, Teslas and shop at Amazon and Wal-Mart.
Not makeup but permanent ink…
The texts books at least used natrium and kalium for the most part as far as I remember.
Are lot of the web pages did not. But this was 2004-2010.
Density of whole milk according to first google answer is 1,034g/cm^3.
It’s been a while, but would that make it 438,68 ml?
Edit: But I totally agree with your statement. SI/ metric units is superior in every way with how easy it is to convert between them. At university in Norway I had American textbooks in all but one of my chemistry classes and all used SI/metric and proper names for the elements
Think it took 15 seconds before we had this Obvious NSFW https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=luce_(vatican)
I stopped using Opera the second it wasn’t Norwegian. I use Librewolf on desktop, Waterfox on mobile and Vivaldi as the “clean” browser when something k. Waterfox/Librewolf fucks up an important webpage I have to use
How could it have been worse. A fucking basic appliance was hijacked. Ofc its not weaponized, that would have made it worse I guess
No mobile platform is secure. Even EncroChat was broken.
Ofc they have the power to do so. John Deere did just that with stolen machines (incidentally underlining that you actually rent their machines) My point is that you buy the iphone hardware, and the use is not a service. And the possibility of bricking it at Apples, Samsung or Huawei whim is for me dystopian. Access to software, storefronts and internet pages is slightly different in my opinion.
While I understand your idea, thats a level of censorship in the hands of a private company that is so cyber punk dystopian that it makes William Gibson cry.
Imagine your phone will start playing the Chinese anthem before it sends your dickpicks to your mother
Any tips for a newbee where to start looking for learning to root a TV?
I only use Telegram for my Warhammer 40k group…Authorities seizing that will get them years of mindless chatter about the Emperor, memes and battle reports. Fuck they will pay us to leave Telegram
I used RIF, but ended up using Jerboa for some random reason I can’t remember. Will check out Voyager.