This is serious. Said with complete and wholehearted sincerity. Pax Americana really is a brain virus.
This is serious. Said with complete and wholehearted sincerity. Pax Americana really is a brain virus.
Feels like people tend to like dogs more because they find them more submissive and easier to control.
Same reason people can’t get off Twitter and other social platforms.
Everyone saw this bullshit coming when she was announced for the position. Libs were too busy stepping on Cheetos to care.
I don’t know if that’s a good comparison to make with how the Iraq War protests turned out.
Absolutely disgusting. They’ll hand wring about Xinjiang in one sentence and then do this in the next.
Yet people still keep moving down there because of low taxes and nice weather.
Been seeing this a lot with the writers strike too. Talks about how people are struggling and starving. Sad thing is it works with a lot of people who are already predispositioned to hate anything Hollywood.
The guy who lost to Lindsay Graham is lecturing others on winning strategies lmao